LinkedIn Learning: Online Training Courses & Skill Building
Get guidance to develop the critical skills you need to advance your career from the only learning platform informed by the world’s largest talent marketplace. Set career goals and use Skill...
All Online Courses List | LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com
5 天之前 · Browse the full list of online business, creative, and technology courses on LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) to achieve your personal and professional goals. Join today to …
LinkedIn Learning - Wikipedia
LinkedIn Learning is an American online learning platform. It provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. It is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. All the …
All Learning Paths | LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com
Our Learning Paths at LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) provide you with a customized set of training classes to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Choose the …
Lynda.com —— 学习爱好者的饕餮大餐 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Lynda.com是一个提供各种教育资源的海外学习平台。1995年,Lynda Weinman 和 Bruce Heavin夫妇拿出2 万美元积蓄,在美国加州南部的圣塔芭芭拉市创立了http://Lynda.com。从 …
全部在线培训课程领域 | 领英学习 (原 Lynda.com)
浏览领英学习 (原 Lynda.com) 全部在线商务、创意和技术课程,让您的事业更进一步!立即开通领英学习帐号,海量专业课程任您挑!
为什么lynda.com这个教学视频网站好像不被大多数人熟知? - 知乎
最近发现了一个国内网站,搬运了不少Lynda课程,关键是把字幕全部翻译成中文,这样就解决了原答案中的价格高和语言障碍两个缺点,不介意版权的同学可以试试 Lynda中文字幕翻译
Lynda Essential Training 系列: 让学习井然有序 - 知乎
截止目前,Lynda已经发布4000+ Essential Training 课程,根据难度等级分为三大类: Beginner 初学者; Intermediate 中级; Advanced 高级; 大家可以根据自身的实际状况,选择难度适宜的 …
Lynda.com Customer Success Center - LinkedIn Learning
Watch a course covering search tools, course recommendations, Playlists, transcripts, mobile apps and more. Share a step-by-step guide designed to help learners get started, view …
Lynda是一个提供各种教育资源的网站,于 90年代初建立,两位创始人 Lynda Weinman 和 Bruce Heavin 是一对夫妻。他们从自己的积蓄里拿出了 2 万美元开始创立 Lynda.com。在没有任何外 …