Lysippe - Wikipedia
Lysippe (/ l aɪ ˈ s ɪ p i /; Ancient Greek: Λυσίππη Lusíppē) is the name of several different women in Greek mythology: Lysippe, the Amazon mother of the river god Tanais. [1] [2] Lysippe, other name for Cydippe, daughter of King Ormenus of Rhodes and wife of her uncle Cercaphus. [3] Lysippe, the daughter of Proetus and Stheneboea.
Lysippos - Wikipedia
Lysippos (/ l aɪ ˈ s ɪ p ɒ s /; Ancient Greek: Λύσιππος) [1] was a Greek sculptor of the 4th century BC. Together with Scopas and Praxiteles, he is considered one of the three greatest sculptors of the Classical Greek era, bringing transition into the Hellenistic period.Problems confront the study of Lysippos because of the difficulty in identifying his style in the copies which ...
Lysippus | Ancient Greek Sculptor & Artist | Britannica
Lysippus was a Greek sculptor, head of the school at Árgos and Sicyon in the time of Philip of Macedon and especially active during the reign of Philip’s son Alexander the Great (336–323 bce). Lysippus was famous for the new and slender …
Lysippe - 华文百科
莱西普(Lysippe)是thespias公主,是国王国王和梅加米德( King Thespius)的50个女儿之一,或者是他的众多妻子之一。 当赫拉克尔(Heracles)狩猎并最终杀死了 Cithaeronian狮子 时,Lysippe与其他姐妹一起,除了一个,一个一周,一周或50天的英雄,因为他们的父亲强烈 ...
Greek Mythology: Lysippe - Blogger
2015年7月6日 · In Greek mythology, Lysippe was described as the mother of Teuthras the Mysian king. Her son killed a sacred boar of goddess Artemis during hunt and was driven mad by the angry goddess. Lysippe then went out in the woods, …
Lysippe - Greek Mythology Wiki
Lysippe was one of the daughters of Thespius, King of Thespiae, Boeotia. She was one of the forty-nine of his fifty daughters to sleep with Herakles while he was in Thespia. She would bare him Erasippus King Thespius & Queen Megamede or potentially one of Thespius' mistress Heracles (lover for...
Lysippe (Amazon) | Greek Mythology Wiki | Fandom
Queen Lysippa was the first Amazon who founded Themyscira. She was notable for her disregard for marriage and her devotion to war. Legends say that for these unnatural tendencies for women, she was punished by the goddess of love Aphrodite. In retaliation, the goddess made her son Tanais fall madly in love with his mother. According to another version of the myth, Aphrodite instilled in Tanais ...
User-submitted name Lysippe - Behind the Name
It is said that Aphrodite put a spell on Lysippe's son so that he would fall in love with his mother, but because he couldn't have her, he killed himself. During her grief Lysippe built the Amazon capitol city of Themiscyra and set the laws that the Amazons were known for.
Lysippe — Wikipédia
Lysippe de Sicyone (né vers 395 av. J.-C. et mort vers 305 av. J.-C.) est un sculpteur et bronzier de la Grèce antique, portraitiste attitré d'Alexandre le Grand, père et maître de Daippos, Boédas et Euthycrate. Il est l'un des plus célèbres sculpteurs de la sculpture grecque classique dans sa dernière période ou second classicisme ...
Lysippus | Artist | Royal Academy of Arts
Lysippe / par Maxime Collignon ... étude critique, illustrée de vingt-quatre reproductions hors texte. - Paris: [1904] 18/2666