M-84D - Wikipedia
The Croatian M-84D, also known as the M-84A5 (D), is an upgraded variant of existing M-84 tanks, originally developed in Yugoslavia, with improvements to engine, armor, armament and electronics. The M-84D is equipped with a new 1,200 hp …
M-84D | Military Wiki | Fandom
The M-84A4 and M-84D have an operational range of 700 km and a maximum speed of 65 km/h. Improvements and new auto loader have increased efficiency by 15%, meaning 9 shells per minute instead of 8 shells per minute. The M-84D is a second version of the upgraded tanks.
M-84 - Tank Encyclopedia
The M-84 was the main battle tank of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, being the embodiment their slogan “Brotherhood and Unity".
M-84 - Wikipedia
The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank based on the Soviet T-72. It is still in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Kuwait.
M-84主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-84,是 南斯拉夫 的第三代 主戰坦克,為蘇聯 T-72主战坦克 的改進型,裝備 南斯拉夫人民軍。 在M-84生產出來之前,蘇聯提供了50輛T-72M給南斯拉夫作訓練用。 在南斯拉夫解體後,M-84使用於 塞爾維亞 、 克羅埃西亞 、 斯洛文尼亞 [1] 、 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 、 科威特 、 乌克兰 [1]。 M-84主战坦克实际上是前南斯拉夫获准生产的俄罗斯 T-72 主战坦克,并装备了一系列自行制造的子系统,1977年,南斯拉夫決定生产M84主战坦克。 1979年底,从苏联获得了生产该坦 …
M-84D - Wikipedija
M-84D najnovija je hrvatska inačica tenka M-84A4. Slovo D u nazivu označava standard Degman , kojim Hrvatska planira nadograditi sve svoje M-84 tenkove. Opremljena je Dieselovim motorom snage 1200 KS (895 kW) i RRAK eksplozivno-reaktivnim oklopom.
M-84D - Wikiwand
The Croatian M-84D, also known as the M-84A5 (D), is an upgraded variant of existing M-84 tanks, originally developed in Yugoslavia, with improvements to engine, armor, armament and electronics.
M-84: A Yugoslav version of the Soviet T-72 tank - Spec Ops …
2022年8月23日 · The M-84 is essentially the Russian T-72 manufactured under license in former Yugoslavia with many Yugoslav-designed sub-systems, for example, the fire control system. The prototypes of the M-84 were completed in 1982-83, with production commencing in 1983-84, and the first production vehicles were completed in 1984.
Osnovni borbeni tenk M-84 - Đuro Đaković
Tenk M-84 je utemeljen na ruskom tenku T-72 i odlikuje se najvećim primjenjenim kalibrom topa i učinkovitim streljivom, automatskim punjenjem topa, malom masom i niskom siluetom, te dobrom zaštitom. Osim toga, tenk M-84 raspolaže novim, suvremenim sustavom za upravljanje paljbom, modificiranim motorom veće snage, novom radio-opremom i ...
M-84D — Википедия
М-84D — современный основной боевой танк Вооружённых сил Республики Хорватии. M-84D — хорватский вариант модернизации югославского ОБТ М-84. Он оснащён новым двигателем мощностью 1200 л. с. (895 кВт) и новой динамической защитой RRAK.