Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot: A multi-function Discord bot - GitHub
Red is a fully modular bot – meaning all features and commands can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it completely customizable. This is a self-hosted bot – meaning you will need to host and maintain your own instance. You can turn Red into an admin bot, music bot, trivia bot, new best friend or all of these together!
Bored? Press the Bored Button!
Clicking the red button will instantly take you to one of hundreds of interactive websites specially selected to alleviate boredom. So go ahead and give it a try. Press the Bored Button and be bored no more.
Getting started — Red - Discord Bot 3.5.17 documentation
Red is built with cogs, a fancy term for plugins. They are modules that add functionality to Red. They contain commands to use. Red comes with 18 cogs containing the basic features, such as moderation, utility, music, streams… You can see your loaded and unloaded cogs with the [p]cogs command. By default, all cogs will be unloaded.
Me RGB LED The colored Me RGB LED module includes four RGB LEDs with adjustable full color gamut. For each LED, its color is determined by the value of red (R), green (G) and blue (B), and the LED itself is characterized by highlight and adjustable brightness, realizing flowing water, flashing, rainbow light and other effects.
Makeblock-official/mbot_nodebots - GitHub
mBot is the easiest educational robot for kids to learn programming, Arduino and robotics. Photo from Andrew Fisher. 1. Drivers. Install the USB Serial driver for your platform found in the drivers folder. Windows users will need to reboot after installing the …
jacbop/mbot: MBot Code - GitHub
Once the user pushes and releases the button on the mBot, the lights go blue and the user's code is run; Once the user's code completes, the lights go red, all the motors are shutdown and a different distinctive tone is played. Additionally, the user …
Mbot Cheat Sheet - General Discussion - Makeblock Forum
2015年12月16日 · After playing around with the mBot I ran into some common issues most people on this community have so I hope to write a little cheat sheet to serve as your reference guide in order to make the mBot programming a little easier for you! In order to program your mBot you will need to dowload the MBlock Software: http://www.mblock.cc/download/
Welcome to Red - Discord Bot’s documentation!
Installing Red; Creating a bot account; Updating Red; About Virtual Environments; Setting up auto-restart using batch on Windows; Setting up auto-restart on Mac; Setting up auto-restart using systemd on Linux; Cog Reference: CustomCommands Cog Reference; Permissions Cog Reference; Trivia List Creation Guide; User guides: Getting started
木果创客mbot机器人-支持arduino和scratch图形编程的优秀创客 …
2020年6月11日 · 能量站独家mbot2精品课程从入门到进阶32课时,开始发布啦! 这次课程由能量站的10位优秀一线老师共同精心编写,现整理好第一期8节课先发布出来! 整个课程从按钮与广播、声音输出、声音感知、光线输出、光线感知、显示输出、动力输出、动作感测等结... 创客探索 mBlock在线社区 加入群324113572 加入群:340933414 本站不是教科书~你想怎么玩mBot,就怎么玩! 玩出自己的创意和特色! 能量站独家mbot2精品课程从入门到进阶32课时,开始发布 …
Bored? Press the Bored Button!
Press the RED Bored Button™. Instant ideas to kill boredom.