Use Google Drive for desktop
On Drive for desktop, at the bottom right, in the system tray, you can find the Drive for desktop menu . Tip: To ”Show hidden icons,” click the arrow. To make it easier to find Drive for desktop …
How to use Google Drive
My Drive. You can use "My Drive" section to find: Files and folders you upload or sync. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms you create. Tip: You can choose “Home” or “My Drive” as …
Upload files & folders to Google Drive - Computer - Google Drive …
If you upload a file with the same name, Google Drive will upload the file as a revision of the file already in Google Drive. To keep both files: On your computer, go to drive.google.com. Upload …
Install Drive for desktop - Google Workspace Learning Center
All of your Drive files appear here. Any new files or folders you create in Drive or Drive for desktop sync and appear on all your devices. Click Drive for desktop click your name Open Google …
Google Drive Help
Official Google Drive Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Drive and other answers to frequently asked questions.
View & open files - Google Drive Help
With Google Drive on the web, you can view things like videos, PDFs, Microsoft Office files, audio files, and photos. Important: If you try to open a suspicious file, you may get a warning …
Manage your storage in Drive, Gmail & Photos - Google Help
Learn what items in Google Drive use storage space. Most files in your My Drive take up space as they contain files and folders you upload or sync, such as .pdf files, images, or videos. Your …
Dosya görüntüleme ve açma - Google Drive Yardım
Google Drive web'de videolar, PDF'ler, Microsoft Office dosyaları, ses dosyaları ve fotoğraflar gibi öğeleri görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
Google Drive Yardım
Google Drive ürününe ait resmi Yardım Merkezi sayfasında ürünün kullanımıyla ilgili ipuçlarını ve eğitici bilgileri ve sık sorulan sorulara verilen diğer yanıtları bulabilirsiniz.
Bestanden openen en bekijken - Google Drive Help
Met Google Drive op het web kun je allerlei items bekijken, zoals video's, pdf's, Microsoft Office-bestanden, audiobestanden en foto's. Belangrijk: Als je een verdacht bestand probeert te …