铭匠 全系列全画幅M口镜头从35mm开始都可以怼4433,35mm f1.4,50mm f0.95,75mm f1.25,90mm f1.25. 都是有点暗角,需要后期矫正。 徕卡R100 2.8 apo macro转接gfx50sii和富士gf120 4 更推荐哪一款呢? 1 个回答. 富士GFX50R的机身配徕卡M35 1.4的镜头怎么样呢? 1 个回答. 富士x100f和徕卡d-lux7选择哪个更好? 6 个回答. 徕卡x2徕卡dlux7和富士st10哪个更值得入手? 2 个回答. 徕卡 Leica M10-R 全画幅旁轴数码相机,有哪些值得入手的地方? 1 个回答. 如 …
富士GFX中画幅 镜头转接 LEICA M-GFX_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
富士GFX中画幅 镜头转接 LEICA M-GFX, 视频播放量 1220、弹幕量 1、点赞数 10、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 7、转发人数 0, 视频作者 键盘摄像师傅Yz, 作者简介 摆烂区up主。
2020年9月27日 · 从前尼康要用R家镜头,都是改了PG不方便,如今用上GFX瞬时觉得方便,一个环就可以了。 最近刚发现华为MATE30的手机充电线就能给GFX100机子充电。
Using Leica M Mount Lenses on the Fuji GFX 50R
Leica Summicron 40mm F2: The smallest existing Leica M Lens has a lovely rendering on M-Film Bodies as well as M9 and M (240), but unusable on the GFX. Probably the funniest combination of Lens/Body mount.
TTArtisan Leica M Lens to FUJIFILM GFX-Mount Camera Adapter
The Leica M Lens to FUJIFILM GFX-Mount Camera Adapter from TTArtisan enables an M-mount lens to be mounted on a FUJIFILM GFX-mount digital camera body. This adapter has a fully manual design for intuitive and straightforward use, it has no electronics and does not record any exposure data to the camera.
Amazon.com : TTArtisan M Lens to GFX Adapter Lens Converter …
Introducing the TTArtisan M Adapter, the ultimate accessory for photographers seeking versatility and performance. This lens adapter is crafted from aviation-grade aluminum alloy, ensuring durability and protection for your valuable camera gear with its wear-resistant and robust design.
Fujifilm GFX100RF: The Fixed-Lens Medium Format Revolution? - Y.M …
2025年3月20日 · The newly announced Fujifilm GFX100RF is a medium format camera that dares to challenge long-standing conventions. Unlike its predecessors in the GFX lineup, the GFX100RF is not just another interchangeable-lens beast—it takes the bold step of integrating a fixed 35mm f/2.8 lens (equivalent to 28mm in full-frame terms).
Leica M-Fuji G (Black) - KIPON
KIPON L/M-GFX adapter mounts Leica M series lenses onto Fuji GFX medium format camera bodies. Please note that after mounting the adapter, while infinity focus is available, only manual mode will be accessible in shooting.
M to GFX Adapter – TTArtisan
For adapting M-mount lenses to GFX-mount mirrorless cameras. If you have multiple cameras, you can use the following adapter to use M-mount lenses. For example, M-mount lenses from …
Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Adapter Leica M Rangefinder Lens to G-Mount GFX ...
Whether you're shooting digitally or on film, Fotodiox offers the world's largest selection of lens adapters. Mix camera/lens platforms or reinvigorate vintage glass; Fotodiox has hundreds of ways to mount lenses onto your DSLR or SLR camera. Our adapters deliver infinity focus, manual aperture control, and a sturdy build for lasting quality.