Magpul M-LOK: Versatile Attachment Options
M-LOK is a modular locking accessory mounting system that is a direct attachment method for hard mounting accessories to a negative space mounting point. Designed by Magpul Industries as an evolution of the MOE slot system used since 2007, the M-LOK system was released in 2014 as a free licensed platform to allow greater compatibility of ...
What Is M-Lok? - The Armory Life
2020年7月20日 · M-Lok is an attachment system that allows you to add an accessory to a rifle or other firearm. In that way, it’s not a new idea. M-Lok was developed by Magpul to offer shooters a more streamlined means of attaching accessories to firearms.
M-LOK - Wikipedia
M-LOK, for Modular Lock, is a firearm rail interface system developed and patented by Magpul Industries. The license is free-of-charge, but subject to an approval process.
配件科普:M-LOK - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月17日 · M-LOK(“模块化锁定”Modular Lock的简写)是美国马盖普工业公司研发并注册专利的一款免费许可 [1]的“负空间”(凹洞式)枪械导轨界面系统,用来部分取代现今被广泛使用的皮卡汀尼导轨,是马盖普推出用来与复仇者武器公司(VLTOR Weapon Systems)研发的KeyMod系统进行市场竞争的产品。 与皮卡汀尼导轨相比,配有M-LOK和KeyMod的护木和前托都更轻、更紧凑,枪管通风性也更好,而且不像皮卡汀尼导轨那样有凸出的尖锐棱角。 M-LOK …
M-LOK - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
M-LOK(「模組化鎖定」Modular Lock的簡寫)是美國馬格普工業公司研發並註冊專利的一款免費許可 [1] 的「負空間」(凹洞式)槍械導軌界面系統,用來部分取代現今被廣泛使用的皮卡汀尼導軌,是馬格普推出用來與復仇者武器公司(VLTOR Weapon Systems)研發的KeyMod ...
M-LOK Accessories, M LOK Attachments, MLok Rails and more
Transform your AR-15 with our M-LOK accessories; featuring grips, rails, and advanced mounting systems. Experience ease of installation and premium materials. Explore now to upgrade your setup! 🛠️🎯.
M-LOK - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-LOK(“模块化锁定”Modular Lock的简写)是美国马格普工业公司研发并注册专利的一款免费许可 [1] 的“负空间”(凹洞式)枪械导轨界面系统,用来部分取代现今被广泛使用的皮卡汀尼导轨,是马格普推出用来与复仇者武器公司(VLTOR Weapon Systems)研发的KeyMod ...
什么是M-LOK?为什么要使用M-LOK?|导轨|螺丝|软管|配件|护木_ …
2021年2月27日 · m-lok是一种附件系统,可以让你向步枪或其他枪支添加附件。 只要携带枪支参加战斗,人类就会将这些附件添加在武器上,最明显的例子就是刺刀。 将刀片或长钉安装在步枪上,使步枪可以被当做长矛或刀来使用的简易近战武器。
Firearm Accessories- PMAGs, Stocks, Grips, Sights, M-LOK - Magpul
Find the best AR, AK, Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol accessories at Magpul. Upgrade your equipment with high-quality firearm parts designed to improve performance. Shop now!
M-LOCKS - High-security locks and locking systems from The …
Tantum motor lock: Robust Extreme Power. M-LOCKS has been active on the market of high-security locks for over 30 years. When developing the Tantum motor lock we were determined to make a lock to be remembered for. There would be no compromises in terms of material choices, functionality and its strength.