MKE MPT - Wikipedia
The KNT-76 (Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği, 'Sniper Rifle', lit. ' Sharp Shooter Rifle ') is the designated marksman rifle version. KNT-76 are produced in Kırıkkale Arms Factory like the MPT-76. The …
Firearms with Auto and 3 Round Burst Mode of Fire are for Law Enforcement ONLY. For civilian sales the firearms are manufactured in compliant semi-auto version. MKE USA does NOT sell …
MKEK MPT-76戰鬥步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MPT-76是專為粗野的高海拔地區、全天候極炎熱的天氣和極寒冷的山地戰,以及在比較簡易的地形的戰鬥而設計。 現已證明它能夠在塵土飛揚、泥濘、潮濕,以及高和低氣壓區域,例如高 …
Shooting the Turkish MPT-76 Infantry Rifle - YouTube
2015年7月22日 · We traveled to Turkey to get an exclusive close-up look at the MPT-76 (Milli Piyade Tüfeği). The MPT 76 is the new Turkish military service rifle that is slated to replace the …
MPT-76, which is KALEKALIP’s also one of the key designers & manufacturers of it, is one of the rare rifles that has successfully passed all 42 NATO Standard tests which are cold and hot air, …
MKEK MPT-76 - Weaponsystems.net
The MPT-76 is a modern battle rifle of Turkish origin. It was developed in the late 2000's by MKEK as a next generation service rifle for Turkish use. The design of the MPT-76 is based on an …
MKE MPT | Military Wiki | Fandom
The MPT-76 can fire fully automatic and semi-automatic. Trigger sensitivity in the KNT is reduced by five Newtons which allows the trigger to move with less pressure. This drop prevents the …
SHOT Show 17 – MKEK MPT-76 - Soldier Systems
2017年1月18日 · MKEK’s MPT-76 or National Infantry Rifle is a modular battle rifle designed to replace the G3 currently in service with the Turkish Armed Forces. Chambered for 7.62x51mm …
MKE displays its new MPT-76 rifle - Army Recognition
The Turkish company MKE - Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu - displays the MPT-76 infantry rifle during the Eurosatory 2014 exhibition. This rifle is designed by gathering the best …
MKEK MPT-76 - Modern Firearms
MKEK MPT-76 rifle is gas operated, select-fire weapon. It uses short stroke gas piston, located above the barrel, and AR-10/Ar-15 style rotary bolt, bolt carrier and return spring system. …