M1064 mortar carrier - Wikipedia
The M1064 mortar carrier is an American vehicle, consisting of the M121 mortar – a version of the M120 mortar – mounted on an M113 chassis. The M1287 mortar carrier vehicle will replace the M1064 in U.S. Army service. The design consists of the M298 cannon, M191 bipod, M9 baseplate, and the carrier adaptation kit.
M1064A3 - Army Guide
These have now been replaced in US Army service by the BAE Systems, Ground Systems M1064A3 120 mm self-propelled mortar system. The chassis used for the M1064A3 120 mm self-propelled mortar is essentially the late production M113A3 APC modified for its specific role.
M1064A3 Mortar Carrier - inetres.com
The M1064A3 is a modification of the M106A2 carrier. It has external fuel tanks and is modified internally to carry a 120mm mortar. It is fully tracked, highly mobile, and armor protected. It can be transported by air and is able to propel itself across water obstacles.
120mm SPM M1064 - AFV Database
2024年1月17日 · M1064 was basically an M106A2 107mm self-propelled mortar carrier armed instead with a 120mm mortar. External fuel tanks were fitted to the M1064, and kits were available to convert earlier M113 -based mortar carriers to M1064 standard.
M1064 | Weaponsystems.net
US Army M1064 self-propelled mortar firing a 120mm shell in Iraq in 2009. Source: US Army. Copyright: Public domain <
美军接收新型120mm自行迫击炮 NEMO炮塔终于登陆美国接受测 …
2024年3月8日 · 美国陆军m1064自行迫击炮。 目前,美国陆军装备的是采用M113装甲运兵车底盘的履带式自行迫击炮,以及采用“斯特瑞克”8×8轮式装甲车底盘的自行 ...
(长文)从斯特瑞克旅出发,全方位解读美军中型部队(上)—— …
“回旋镖” (Boomerang) 轮式装甲车也是一种8x8 的轮式装甲战车,用以取代俄罗斯大量装备的BTR系列装甲输送车。 其战斗全重约20吨,车组3人,载员共9人,全长8米,宽约3米,高约3 米,比起7米的“斯特瑞克” 装甲车要大一圈。 主要武器是一门 30毫米机关炮,另有选配反坦克导弹发射器,具有对同重装目标兔子蹬鹰的能力。 动力装置为500马力的柴油机,其动力比起350马力的“斯特瑞克”装甲车要强劲得多,最大速度可达100千米/小时,最大行程达 800千米。 其车体为 …
M106 Self-propelled 107mm Mortar - Federation of American …
Power is supplied by a 275hp Detroit Diesel 6V53T turbocharged diesel engine driving through an Allison X200-4 (cross-drive) transmission. The M1064A3 incorporates all of the mobility, reliability improvements of the M113A3, including powertrain, engine diagnostics, driver's station, and electrical system.
美军m1064自行迫击炮的口径多大? - 知乎
2019年9月24日 · 所以m164的口径当然是1064英吋,折合27025.60mm,也就是27米。 一发炮弹重约二十万吨,砸过去整个曼哈顿的所有建筑同时倒地。 射程也十分惊人,达到两万公里,可以绕赤道半圈,在美国本土可以打到地球上任何地方。 因为该武器太过暴力,中国开发了56式三棱军刺来对抗,后来在联合国的斡旋下,双方达成协议,同时禁用两种武器。 所以现在网络上搜索到的信息都是假的,本答案也是瞎猜的,大家不要相信。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创 …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The M1064 is an American self-propelled mortar carrier used by the United States Army.