美国很羡慕:这款中国导弹我们能造 但就是没有装备
2018年2月17日 · 图为美国陆军发布的,基于m1075卡车的nsm导弹设想图. 因此,美国陆军寻求更加灵活的“反舰巡航导弹”也是理所当然的。用于攻击海上移动目标的nsm不仅可以像atacms那样精准打击地面固定目标,也能像打击水面舰船那样对地面移动目标发起打击。
This manual is designed to help operate and maintain the Model M1074 and M1075 Tractor Truck, NSN 2320-01-304-2277 and 2320-01-304-2278. Listed below are some of the features included in this manual to help locate and use the needed information:
2320-01-304-2278 - M1075 PLS CARGO TRUCK, 16.5 TON, 10X10, …
m1075 used with the m1076 trailer in support of transportation line haul missions
*TM 9-2320-364-10 - eMilitary Manuals - PDF4PRO
TRUCK, TRACTOR, M1074 AND M1075. PALLETIZED LOAD SYSTEM (PLS). M1074. NSN 2320-01-304-2277. M1075. NSN 2320-01-304-2278. *SUPERSEDURE NOTICE - This TM supersedes TM 9-2320-364-10 dated 30 November 2005. DISTRIBUTION A - Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
TB-9-3950-253-13-P - Page 1 of 704 - NSN Depot
palletized load system truck, m1075 and m1075a1 (pls) and heavy expanded mobility tactical truck, m1120, m1120a2, and m1120a4 (hemtt), enhanced container handling unit (e-chu) technical bulletin; operator and field maintenance, installation instructions, and …
First land-based missile launch performed at RIMPAC exercise
2018年8月2日 · The NSM, manufactured by the Norwegian-based Kongsberg Defence Systems in partnership with U.S.-based Raytheon Missile Systems, is a technically mature, fielded anti-ship cruise missile that has...
2015年4月29日 · 5A1 enables efficient supply and equipment distribution in even the most treacherous environments. It offers armed forces the versatility, reliabi. e same power, performance and efficiency of the PLS A1 M1074A1, minus the material handling crane. Carrying its payloads on demountable flatrack cargo beds or inside 8x8x20 foot (2.4 m x 2.4 m x 6.1 m)
美国陆军M1075 PLS型10×10卡车 - 百度学术
这是美国陆军一种新型托盘化装运系统(pls),由1辆m1075型(或m1074型)卡车,1辆m1076型拖车和2个可拆卸的货架(m1077)组成.在m1075卡车车身中部有一套液压装卸系统,可自行完成弹药托盘和货架的装卸作业任务,无需基它任何装卸设备支援,从而大大提高了物资弹药分发系统的 ...
Points indicated with dotted lines are lubricated on both sides of the truck. Reference to the appropriate localized view is given after most lubrication entries. Localized views begin on Card 24. Lube Intervals. Lube intervals (On-Condition or Hard-Time) and related man-hour times are based on normal operation.
NSN: 2320-01-304-2278 (M1075 PLS Truck, w/o winch or crane ...
M1075 PLS Truck, w/o winch or crane (NSN 2320013042278 / NIIN 013042278) Procurement: Accountability: Date Established: 1989195 (July 14, 1989) FSG (Federal Supply Group): 23-Ground Effect Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Cycles . FSC (Federal Supply Code):
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