Rem Model 11 Mfg Dates??? - Remington Society
2011年8月12日 · For 16-gauge "Sportsmen" production reached 5000 by October 1935, so I'd guess your October 1934 barrel date code on your gun is pretty close. Remington Autoloader History Remington Arms Co. introduced their 12-gauge, five-shot, John M. Browning designed, "Remington Autoloading Gun" in 1905.
Damaged M1917 helmet - M1917 & M1917A1 HELMETS - U.S.
2025年2月27日 · I thought about a .45 too, but I gave 9mm the nod just in case it was WW1 damage. The .45ACP rattles around 950 feet per second. The impact damage depends on the distance the round was fired from. The .45 ACP from a Colt M11-A1 has about 50 feet of real accuracy. The M11-A1 was designed as a trench gun.
manufacture date of model 11 - Remington Society
2015年2月9日 · that R Baker gave for his gun, except the serial is #21291 stamped forward of the magazine feed and is stamped underneath the barrel as well. Also at the base of the barrel is an engraved sort of stylized "P" with a punch mark underneath, or if viewed inverted it looks like "a6" sharing the same spine, with the punch mark centered above.
US M-series knives, bayonets, and scabbards list
2017年10月7日 · M11 - EOD knife. barryeye Posted October 8, 2017. barryeye. Member; 96 Location: Waikanae New Zealand ...
Model 11 with brass pins on receiver, Polychoke - Remington Society
2023年3月17日 · It's got a six-digit serial, a Polychoke and an in-trigger-guard safety. It's unremarkable on the whole with the exception of the two little brass pins at the rear of the receiver. They look to be original, but I can't find a single record of this gun being released in a deerslayer model or otherwise modified in this way.
Model 11 Manufacturing Date - Remington Society
2019年6月5日 · Hello, I recently bought a model 11 shotgun and am trying to research the manufacture date. I couldn’t find it on the website with the webpage provided.
Did Browning Auto 5 Shotguns ever see combat?
2023年5月16日 · I have 2 things of note. The semi-autobiographical James Jones novel The Thin Red Line p.1962 is based heavily on his Army service on Guadalcanal and a character in the book notably uses what is described as a semi auto Shotgun during a bunker assault. This character was composited in the 1998 film adaptation and uses a M97 Trench gun.
Remington Model 11 #18895 with a Cutts Compensator barrel
2009年1月3日 · According to the serial number chronology in James Tipton's Model 11 article in the Remington Society of America Journal, 2nd Quarter 2000, serial number 18895 would be a 1906 vintage gun, and therefore a Remington Autoloading Shotgun. From the 1906 Remington Arms Co. catalogue --The Cutts Compensator for shotguns was introduced in the 1930s.
Remington Autoloader Shotgun Pre M11 - Remington Society
2010年10月30日 · Re: Remington Autoloader Shotgun Pre M11 Post by Researcher » Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:30 pm In the condition you describe, the gun has no "collector" value, so whatever you do to keep a 104 year old shotgun doing what it was made to do can't be bad.
Remington mocel 11 forend configurations - Remington Society
2021年6月6日 · the gun is not in collectible condition but is mechanically fine and was very cheap. the most puzzling aspect is the forend. by itself it weighs 15 ounces (the gun is 9# even with a 26" polychoked barrel). along bottom dead center the wood is over .40" thick.