Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle. The Oshkosh-developed JLTV was selected for acquisition under the US military's Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program.
M1278/M1279/M1280/M1281 - WarWheels.Net
The CTV/GP mission packages available are for the General Purpose Vehicle (M1280) and Heavy Guns Carrier (M1278). Finally, the CCWC comes in the (not surprisingly) Close Combat Weapons Carrier mission package (M1281). Vehicles issued with official "M" designation by the US Military are indicated in bold font above.
JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) | Oshkosh Defense
The Oshkosh Defense® JLTV Heavy Guns Carrier (HGC) can pack a lethal punch. This vehicle is designed for crew-served and remote weapon systems. With a protected gun mount, the JLTV HGC is the principal light vehicle for over-watch and direct fire support of infantry maneuvers, convoy escort, and security missions.
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program was a U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and Special Operations Command competition to select a vehicle to partially replace the Humvee fleet [1] with a family of more survivable vehicles having a greater payload. Early studies for the JLTV program were approved in 2006.
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) - GlobalSecurity.org
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) family now consists of three base vehicle platforms, Utility (M1279 JLTV-UTL), Close Combat Weapons Carrier (M1281 JLTV-CCWC) and General Purpose...
2021年5月26日 · jltv为美军用来替换悍马系列的轻型军车,全称为联合战术轻型车辆,2016年开始投产。 JLTV车族 M1278重型战斗车、M1279载货车、M1280通用车、M1281近距离战斗载具和JLTV-RV装甲侦察车。
美国陆军史崔克作战旅SBCT旅部详解,一百多人加几十辆车就够了 …
本期带你了解这个全球领先的轮式作战旅的指挥调度需要哪些装备。 组织架构. 旅部仅下设一个单位就是旅指(也叫旅部连),是整个史崔克旅级战斗队SBCT的大脑,负责全旅的指挥与控制。 人员与装备编制. 小结. 从旅指的编制情况不难看出,旅指本身是不承担具体作战任务的,总共37辆车辆装备,作为核心装备的轮式装甲只装备了4辆,还是专为指挥系统打造的版本,其他的车辆装备更是没有作战能力的辅助车辆装备,主要就是为了指挥系统服务的。 同时也能明显看出SBCT …
According to the Army, the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is an Army-led, joint-service program designed to replace a portion of each service’s light tactical wheeled vehicle fleets.
2019年11月19日 · 依据型别和用途不同,分别被命名为M1278,M1279,M1280,M1281,以及随车赠品:一个无动力双轮拖车。 所以美军的目的非常明确,就是用JLTV来取代悍马吉普车和35吨级战术卡车,形成一个统一后勤体系的车族,以此来提高战地可维护性,降低后勤压力。 JLTV的钢筋铁骨塑造了一个非常好的武器平台,比如上面这个火力打击车方案,美军将一个25毫米口径的遥控武器站安装在车顶,这对于悍马来说是不可想象的。 更有甚者,美军还计划 …
m1278 jltv-hgc : 基于m1280开发,车尾结构基本一致。4乘载员 炮塔位机枪手;支持标准承载员武器,炮塔可配防护组件。 m1281 jltv-ccwc : 4乘载员 炮塔位机枪手;配备反坦克/反装甲的重型武器,炮塔位可配防护组件。车尾结构封闭。 02. jltv 车辆高度
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