M134 Minigun - Wikipedia
The M134 Minigun is an American 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute). [2] . It features a Gatling -style rotating barrel assembly with an external power source, normally an electric motor.
M134型速射机枪 - 百度百科
美国陆军 型号称为M134型速射机枪,7.62毫米弹药速射机枪(minigun)用途广泛, 美国空军 型号称为GAU-2 B/A型, 美国海军 型号称为GAU-17/A型。 这种速射机枪最高 射速 高达6,000发/每分钟。 该机枪于60年代初,原 通用电气公司 (现为 洛克希德·马丁 军械 系统公司)在M61火神 航空机炮 按比例把20mm的M61 机炮 缩小成7.62×51mm NATO口径发展而成。 一百米内的任何非重装甲物体都会被打穿。 最初美国空军在此基础上重新设计发展出7.62毫米口径6管GAU-2型 航 …
枪械科普系:M134“迷你火神炮” - 哔哩哔哩
通用电气M134“米尼岗”(M134 Minigun)是一款7.62毫米口径的加特林式多管机枪,使用电动机来旋转多个同轴枪管并操作枪机,因此可达到最高6,000发/分的极快射速。 “米尼岗”之名得自其初创理念为M61火神式机炮的缩小版,但因流行文化影响,现已变成所有现代加特林式机枪的统称。 类型 加特林机枪. 原产地 美国. 服役记录. 服役期间 1963年-. 使用方 参见使用国. 参与战争/冲突. 越南战争. 海湾战争. 索马里内战. 2001年阿富汗战争. 伊拉克战争. 2008年南奥塞梯战争. 墨西 …
2007年10月1日 · Capable of firing in excess of 6,000 rounds per minute and designed after the M61A1 20mm Vulcan, the Minigun can inflict a devastating amount of damage in a minimal amount of time.
Garwood Industries M134G – Small Arms Defense Journal
Since 2005, Garwood Industries has dramatically improved the M134 platform and systematically designed unprecedented improvements to the most critical aspects of the weapon while their patented feature enhancements are centered on two principals: performance and ease of use.
General Electric M134 Minigun Six-Barrel Gatling Gun - Military Factory
2023年8月10日 · M134G - Garwood Industries variant; upgraded GE version; 3,200rpm for increased accuracy. XM214 - Compact version of XM134 firing 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition. XM196 - Ejection sprocket on housing; fitted to XM53 armament subsystem of the Lockheed AH-56 "Cheyenne" attack helicopter.
M134 Minigun - Military Wiki | Fandom
Used by about 20 countrys on aircraft and surface vehicles alike, the minigun is a versatile and battle proven weapon. In the 1960s, the US military began exploring modern variants of the electric-powered, rotating barrel Gatling gun-style weapons for use in the Vietnam War.
ARD-24HWN1-M134G ARD-36HWN1-M134G ARD-48HWN1-M134L NOMINAL APAITY ooling (TU/h) 24,000 36,000 48,000 Heating (TU/h) 24,000 36,000 48,000 ELETRIAL DATA Voltage / Phase (60 Hz) 208/230 / 1 208/230 / 1 208/230 / 1 Min. / Max. Voltage 187/253 187/253 187/253 MA 15.1 24.2 35.1 MOP 25 40 50 ...
M134 Minigun | Machine Gun Around The World Wiki | Fandom
The M134 Minigun is an American 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute). It features a Gatling-style rotating barrel assembly with an external power source, normally an electric motor.
Capable of firing in excess of 6,000 rounds per minute and designed after the M61A1 20mm Vulcan, the Minigun can inflict a devastating amount of damage in a minimal amount of time.