M14 Rogue Chassis System With Charging Handle-2
The M14 Rogue is a turnkey solution for any mill-spec M14/M1A rifle. This system will transform your romantic, Vietnam era service rifle into a modern day, multi-purpose Close-Quarter Battle rifle (CQB).
JTactical Rogue Bullpup conversion kit M14/M1A - Review
Choosing an M14/M1A with an 18 or 22 inch barrel is the very BEST choice for your bullpup conversion. An 18.0" barreled action in the Rogue renders a legal OAL of 26.25" when measured butt stock to crown.
Juggernaut Tactical M1A M14 Rouge Chassis System - GunBroker.com
2023年5月25日 · The Rogue can fit most M14 variants, including the Springfield M1A SOCOM 16 and also has the capability to mount fully-automatic M14 rifles. This firearm part is a …
Juggernaut Rogue | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Juggernaut Rogue is an American bullpup conversion chassis for the Springfield Armory M1A or M14 designed and manufactured from 2011 to 2015 [1] by Juggernaut Tactical.
Juggernaut Tactical; M14 Rogue Chassis System - We Like …
2015年11月11日 · With about 39″ of 1913 Picatinny located on the top, bottom, left, and right of the chassis at your disposal, you’re able to add sights, lights, lasers, grips, or anything else you desire to make it the ultimate tacti-cool rifle in your collection. They are also laser indexed for quick reference.
M14 ROGUE chassis system | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月21日 · "The Rogue Chassis is an excellent platform for converting your M14 type rifle into a modern day weapon system. The stock allows the user to shorten the overall length of his rifle in order to achieve combat effectiveness in a close …
Juggernaut Rogue Bullpup M1A Chassis System
2012年5月30日 · Kevin Swanson at US Tactical Supply, who is the primary contact and retail channel for the Juggernaut Rogue, did a video with FPS Russia using a full auto M14, and then he followed it up by making a special FPS Russia version of the Rogue stock that has been chromed, and limited to only ten pieces at $1299 each (a few are left as of this writing).
FPSRussia – Custom M14 Juggernaut Rouge - RECOIL
2012年3月27日 · FPSRussia has gotten himself a pimped out M14 in his latest video. And when we say pimped out, we mean chromed chassis with FPSRussia's logo laser engraved on it.
M14自动步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M14 (United States Rifle, Caliber 7.62 mm, M14)是 美國 在 二次大戰 後採用的一款 戰鬥步槍,由 春田兵工廠 設計及生產,用以取代 美國軍隊 在二戰期間大量配備的 M1加蘭德步槍,成為美軍在 越戰 早期使用的最主要步槍,到越戰後期被 M16突擊步槍 取代,但有部分經過 ...
Review of the Juggernaut Tactical M14 Rogue Chassis System
2015年11月11日 · It's heavy, it's not fun to carry around on a sling yet accurate out to 500yrds (8" Steel) and gets lots of range comments. Otherwise it's just a fun build and something different. 5.5" groups was the best that rifle could do? Fucking pathetic. want to know what is still shorter, lighter, and is only happy retarded? This guy! Neat.