Attachment 4— M16 SERIES, GAU/GUU SERIES RIFLES AND M4 SERIES CARBINES (5.56MM) 15 Attachment 5— M12, M500, M590, M590A1, M590A2, AND M870 SHOTGUN
Retro XM177E2/CAR15 Finished!! | Gun and Game Forum
2010年8月19日 · -4 position fiberlite CAR stock (unk. maker) with USGI castle nut and receiver plate -Either faux XM177E2 slip over flash hider or M16A1 FH: depending if I am going like the …
M4 in Viet Nam? - Gun and Game Forum
2014年1月16日 · Watching the movie "Platoon", staged in Viet Nam '67-'68, and I saw 2 NCO's (played by Tom Berenger and William DeFoe) carrying what looked to be M4's, complete with …
5.56 mag function in a .223 AR? - Gun and Game Forum
2011年5月5日 · I have a Colt AR .223 . I have found a good deal on Colt AR15/M16 surplus mags, but they are 5.56. Will they work properly with my Colt .223 using .223 and...
Sighting in the AR-15 / M-16 - Gun and Game Forum
2011年12月22日 · Sighting the AR-16 / M-16 First I want to explain the rear sight, since there are a couple of variants out there. under the sight aperture is a rotating drum for yardage …
mattell ? | Gun and Game Forum
2002年3月21日 · I think it was considered clever to call the original M16's a "Mattel Toy", because of their light weight, synthetic stocks, unconventional appearance, etc. It's possible that Mattel …
Effective Range of US Service Rifles | Gun and Game Forum
2014年3月11日 · "effective range for the average HHQ soldier was about 3 feet past the coffee cup" LOL, served in Bn HHQ most of my time in army in an S2 intel section and qualified as …
shooting with gas masks | Gun and Game Forum
2011年2月24日 · With the modern U.S. Army gas mask it was a Pain in the arse to shoot the m16 with it on but you develop your own method that works for you.
Daewoo DR-200 - Gun and Game Forum
2011年4月17日 · The original K2 had brake holes that were concentrated to the upper right to counteract recoil. The front sight is very HK-like, the rear like a Garand. The reciprocating bolt …
M16a5 | Gun and Game Forum
2021年4月19日 · The concept lives on in the commercial side of the AR15 market for those that want full 20" rifle performance but without the drawbacks of the standard system, but it …