19th of April Movement - Wikipedia
The 19th of April Movement (Spanish: Movimiento 19 de Abril), or M-19, was a Colombian urban guerrilla movement active in the late 1970s and 1980s. After its demobilization in 1990 it became a political party, the M-19 Democratic Alliance (Alianza Democrática M-19), or AD/M-19.. The M-19 traced its origins to the allegedly fraudulent presidential elections …
M19 - Wikipedia
M19, M.19, or M-19 most commonly refers to: May 19th Communist Organization (M19), an American far-left female-led terrorist group active during the 1970s–1980s; 19th of April Movement (M-19), a former Colombian guerrilla movement and political party 1970–1990; M19, M.19, or M-19 may also refer to:
Movimiento 19 de abril - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Movimiento 19 de Abril, conocido por su acrónimo M-19 o simplemente «El Eme», [1] [2] [3] fue una organización guerrillera urbana colombiana, [4] surgida después de las irregularidades en las elecciones presidenciales del 19 de abril de 1970, que dieron como ganador al oficialista del Frente Nacional Misael Pastrana Borrero sobre el candidato opositor Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, y que ...
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In the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed ...
Jan 6, 2020 · M19 is unique in being a woman-founded and -led terrorist organization. Did that influence its objectives or shape it in any particularly distinguishing way?
M-19 | Members, Leaders, & Bolivar Sword | Britannica
M-19, Colombian Marxist guerrilla group that coalesced in 1973–74 and demobilized in 1990, transforming into a legitimate political party, Alianza Democrática M-19. The group was founded by dissident members of the Gustavo Rojas Pinilla-led Acción Nacional Popular (Anapo), disaffected communists,
四十年叛乱:哥伦比亚的主要反政府武装(4)M-19:四月19日运动 …
Jun 3, 2023 · 虽然m-19早已解散,但其历史的重要性和一系列的行动不得不在这个文章中讲述他们。m-19也是一个左翼团体,但和farc以及eln相比,他是由来自城市上层阶级的知识份子组成的。
一篇短文——M-19组织及其创立背景 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
那么,m19组织的行动目的到底是什么呢? 我们应当从它的正式名字与建立时间着手。 M19全名 四月十九日运动 ,Movimiento 19 de Abril,建立的时间很关键,1973年——也就是说M19和 FARC 、 ELN 等组织根本不是同一时间诞生的
M-19:玻利瓦尔广场的夕晖 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
m-19:玻利瓦尔广场的夕晖 m-19:玻利瓦尔广场的夕晖 20220808注 *** 2009年秋造访哥伦比亚,从首都波哥大开始,陆路旅行到国土最北和最南端,本文写于2010年2月。1985年,哥伦比亚左翼武装m-19在波哥大的玻利瓦尔…
M19自行高炮 - 百度百科
由于美国陆军的机械化程度较高,M-1 型高炮(由克莱斯勒公司仿制的瑞典40 毫米博福斯高炮)的牵引式机动能力难以满足其要求,美国陆军由此提出需要在其基础上改进出自行高炮。最初的尝试是将 M-1 型高炮安装于 M-3 和 M-5“斯图亚特”轻型坦克底盘以及大量半履带式车辆上进行测试,但 …