M1941 Johnson machine gun - Wikipedia
The M1941 Johnson Light Machine Gun, also known as the Johnson and the Johnny gun, [1] was an American recoil-operated light machine gun designed by Melvin Johnson in the late 1930s. It shared the same operating principle and many parts with his M1941 Johnson rifle and M1947 Johnson auto carbine.
M1941轻机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2023年10月22日 · M1941约翰逊轻机枪 是 M1941半自动步枪 的衍生型,设计者也是约翰逊上尉,两者也同样采用 后座作用 式机械原理,也因此内部结构大同小异而且有很多零件可以通用,但由于M1941轻机枪要顾及 全自动射击 而有两种闭锁方式,当要半自动射击时枪机是关闭的以保证 ...
M1941 Johnson Light Machine Gun: A Favored Weapon of the …
2022年12月7日 · At 13 pounds, the M1941 was extremely lightweight for a machine gun. It featured a basic recoil-operated mechanism with a removable barrel, allowing the recoil to travel in a direct line to the shoulder of the operator, minimizing muzzle climb. While preferred, this meant the sights had to be placed higher up on the firearm.
M1941式约翰逊半自动步枪 - 百度百科
M1941式约翰逊半自动步枪于1941年定型,在 第二次世界大战 期间被 美国海军陆战队 选作制式武器,另外还装备美国陆军特种作战部队。 美海军陆战队预备役上尉梅尔文·约翰逊在1936年开始试制用以与 M1式加兰德步枪 竞争的 半自动步枪。 约翰逊的设计思想是:采用枪管短后坐原理的自动方式, 枪机 回转式 闭锁机构,加兰德步枪式的 导气式 轻武器,需要配备与枪管平行的活塞筒和开闭锁杠杆,因此不容易变换枪管,而且质量较大。 与此相反,枪管短后坐式轻武器,无需 …
M1941 Johnson rifle - Wikipedia
The M1941 Johnson Rifle is an American short-recoil operated semi-automatic rifle designed by Melvin Johnson prior to World War II. The M1941 unsuccessfully competed with the contemporary M1 Garand rifle but was used in limited numbers by …
M1941輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M1941约翰逊輕機槍 是 M1941半自動步槍 的衍生型,設計者也是強生上尉,兩者也同樣採用 後座作用 式機械原理,也因此內部結構大同小異而且有很多零件可以通用,但由於M1941輕機槍要顧及 全自動射擊 而有兩種閉鎖方式,當要半自動射擊時槍機是關閉的以保證子 ...
Melvin Johnson’s M1941 and M1944: America’s ... - Small Arms …
2024年1月16日 · The M1941 LMG shared many components of the M1941 Johnson rifle and was actually a rifle designed to fill the LMG role. As such, it and its successor, the M1944 Johnson, remain the only rifles in history to succeed in this role.
The Model Of 1941 Johnson Light Machine Gun - American …
2022年2月6日 · Overshadowed by the Browning Automatic Rifle, Melvin Johnson’s Model of 1941 Light Machine Gun served elite Marine Parachutists and the Army’s Special Service Force with distinction during ...
M1941輕機槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
M1941約翰遜輕機槍 是 M1941半自動步槍 的衍生型,設計者也是約翰遜上尉,兩者也同樣採用 後座作用 式機械原理,也因此內部結構大同小異而且有很多零件可以通用,但由於M1941輕機槍要顧及 全自動射擊 而有兩種閉鎖方式,當要半自動射擊時槍機是關閉的以保證 ...
The Collectors Guide to the M1941 Johnson Rifle and Johnson LMG
2020年8月12日 · The M1941 Johnson rifle is semi-automatic and holds a 5-round clip. In battle, both weapons can load at the port of ejection via stripper clip, or by loading the rounds one-at …