BMW X2 M35i: Model overview, features, and specs - BMW USA
BMW X2 M35i Coupe SUV. The powerhouse. The BMW X2 M35i is here. A powerhouse engine, precise chassis, and agile suspension align to create a masterpiece of performance worthy of the M label. Explore pricing, features, and customizations to get behind the wheel of the X2 M35i. Models. Configured X2 M35i shown. MSRP as built $52,300.
全新世代BMW X2 M35i xDrive(U10):一覽全貌
了解有關全新世代BMW X2 M35i xDrive的技術數據及設備選項,體驗運動性能與日常實用性的完美結合。 大直徑 M 四出排氣尾管、M雙前座跑車座椅及M專屬套件的強勢風貌,全新BMW X2 M35i xDrive無庸置疑地嶄露BMW M的狂野本色! M TwinPowerTurbo四缸油提供最大馬力300hp,全新BMW X2 M35i xDrive配備的M煞車套件可進一步帶來更純粹的M駕馭樂趣! 19吋M煞車套件即便在天雨路滑的駕駛環境下,仍能提供絕佳的制動性。 耐熱穿孔煞車碟盤和專屬M廠 …
THE X2 M35i - BMW M
Its powerful four-cylinder engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology, M specific chassis tuning team up with BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive to deliver an exhilarating driving experience at all times.
BMW X2 M35i:详情-BMW中国-BMW X2 M35i图片-BMW X2 …
BMW X2 M35i,搭载专属M调校发动机,强化发动机的运动驾驶性能,可提供强劲的动力输出,澎湃迅猛,一击即中。 手握方向盘的那一刻,就是运动驾驶乐趣的开始。 得益于M专属底盘、M自适应悬架,BMW X2 M35i能够兼顾多样的路况需求,操控敏捷、精准,无论身处何地,都能将BMW独特的运动性和优越的乘坐舒适性充分展现。 采用独特M造型的M专属大尺寸后扰流板,经过严密的空气动力学设计,可在高速驾驶时有效降低风阻,帮助提升驾驶性能和效率。 自动驾 …
全新BMW X2:配置表-BMW中国-BMW X2配置表-BMW X2参数
选装“具自动防眩目功能的内部后视镜和驾驶员侧外部后视镜”,需以车辆已经配置了“后视镜组件(电动折叠/驻车辅助/记忆功能)”为前提。 2. 选装“无钥匙进入(含BMW数字钥匙Plus)”,需以车辆已经配置了“手机无线充电”为前提。 3. 选装“智能互联驾驶座舱(含全彩平视显示系统)”,需以车辆已经配置了“全彩平视显示系统”为前提。 4. 选装“前排座椅电动调节,驾驶者座椅带记忆功能”,需以车辆已经配置了“驾驶席座椅电动调节,带记忆功能”为前提。 5. 选装“自动驾驶辅助系 …
BMW X2 M35i (F39): Models, Technical Data & Prices | BMW.cc
DESIGN OF THE BMW X2 M35i. High performance in top form. The BMW X2 M35i impresses with its athletic charisma, extremely sporty power potential and unique versatility. Discover attractive equipment in the area of design. The BMW kidney grille in mesh design is finished in Cerium Grey and has an elaborately designed grid inside.
全新BMW X2 M35i:概述-宝马中国-宝马X2 M35i性能-预约试驾
全新BMW X2 M35i,应用第9代 (BMW)操作系统,结合一体式悬浮曲面屏,为驾趣赋予更有温度的情感化数字体验。 全新BMW X2外露时尚动感的轿跑轮廓,内含绝佳的操控体验和运动表现,打造酷感强劲的运动轿跑车形象,重塑运动美学SAC的纯正血统与基因。 独有身姿,释放视觉冲击,全新BMW X2,风格锐利的外观设计,尽释先锋气场,BMW环形光耀格栅,唤醒驾驭悸动,尽显张扬本色。 应用第9代 (BMW)操作系统,结合一体式悬浮曲面屏,实现流畅的人车交互。 搭载2.0 …
2025 BMW X2 M35i Prices, Reviews, and Pictures | Edmunds
BMW pioneered the modern SUV "coupe" body style with the X6, and it now offers equivalent high-style derivatives of all its SUVs. Fully redesigned for 2024, the current-generation X2 is more...
2025 BMW X2 M35i Specs & Features - Edmunds
Detailed specs and features for the 2025 BMW X2 M35i including dimensions, horsepower, engine, capacity, fuel economy, transmission, engine type, cylinders, drivetrain and more.
2024 BMW X2 M35i Prices, Reviews, and Pictures | Edmunds
BMW equips the X2 xDrive28i with a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine (241 horsepower, 295 lb-ft of torque), while the M235i boasts a more powerful version of that engine (312...
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