U.S. M25 & XM25 SNIPER WEAPON SYSTEM - Sniper Central
2020年4月3日 · Model: M25/XM25; Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Win.) Barrel Length: 22" (559mm) Twist: 1:11" Magazine: 20 or 5 round detachable box magazine; Trigger: Specially tuned 4 1/2 pound match two-stage military trigger; Stock: McMillan Fiberglass, glass bedded. Weight: 10.8 lbs (4.9kg), no optics; Overall Length: 44.3" (1125 mm)
M21 and XM25 Sniper Systems | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年3月17日 · The XM25 sniper system...the successor to the M21 system, was largely developed by SFC Tom Kapp of 10th SFG (A). SFC Kapp left ODA 075, right before I became Team Leader, to work on the development of the M25 system.
US ARMY M21 AND XM21 - Sniper Central
2020年3月31日 · There are still some M21’s in Army vaults around the country, but none are in wide spread use by the US Army today. Though the M21 still lives on having spawned some very successful offspring such as the XM25 and EBR. As you can see from the comments below, the M21 holds a dear spot in many U.S. Army snipers hearts (me included), and ...
M21狙击手武器系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年2月10日 · XM25 / M25 是M21的更新改进型,1980年代后期用于装备 美国陆军 第10特种部队群(10th Special Forces Group (英语:10th Special Forces Group))、 第75游骑兵团 及 美国海军 海豹突击队。 M21/M25重量为5.27千克(不计算瞄准镜),作为军用狙击步枪,M21/M25使用10发或20发M14弹匣供弹,5发弹匣只供民间使用。 ^ infantry.army.mil-M-21 Sniping Rifle, 7.62 mm.. [2007-08-11]. (原始内容 存档 于2007-06-25).
Post M21 sniper rifle development history - XM25/M25...
2017年12月6日 · From 1986 to 1988 the U.S. Army 10th Special Forces at Ft. Devens, MA developed a ‘Product Improved’ sniper rifle that was designated as an XM25 (1988) or M25 (1991) for SF-specific M14 sniper rifles.
M 25狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
美国特种作战司令部将 M25 列为轻型狙击步枪,作为 M24 SWS 的辅助狙击步枪。 M25 保留有许多 M21 的特征,都是 NM级枪管 的 M14 配麦克米兰的玻璃纤维枪托及改进的导气装置,但 M25改用Brookfield 而非原来的 Leatherwood 瞄准镜座,并用 Leupold 的瞄准镜 代替ART1和ART2 瞄准镜,新的瞄准镜座也允许使用 AN/PVS-4 夜视瞄准镜。 最早的 XM25 步枪的枪托内有一块钢垫,这个钢垫是让射手在枪托上拆卸或重新安装枪管后不需要给瞄准镜重新归零,其设计意图与 …
M21狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
1969年,陆军的岩岛兵工厂 (Rock Island Arsenal) 把 1,435支M14NM步枪改装成XM21狙 击步枪,并提供给在越南的美国陆军和海军陆战队的狙击手使用。 将 M14 步枪精确化主要是进行以下几项改进,首先当然是选用重型比赛枪管,其次是选用一个合适的瞄准镜,当然还要改进发射机构,因为一个平稳而敏感的扳机对于提高单发射击精度是极为重要的,最后就是选用精度高的枪弹, XM21 所配用的是盐湖城武器弹药厂生产的 M118 比赛弹,弹头得173格令,初速 810m/s,弹 …
Post-M21 sniper rifle development history - Sniper's Hide
2021年1月4日 · From 1986 to 1988 the U.S. Army 10th Special Forces at Ft. Devens, MA developed a ‘Product Improved’ sniper rifle that designated as an XM25 (1988) or M25 (1991) for SF-specific M14 sniper rifles.
M21 sniper weapon system - Wikipedia
The M21 sniper weapon system (SWS) in the US Army is a national match grade M14 rifle, selected for accuracy, and renamed the M21 rifle. [7] The M21 uses a commercially procured 3–9× variable power telescopic sight, modified for use with the sniper rifle. [8] It is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge.
M25 sniper weapon system - Wikipedia
The M25 is similar in many ways to the M21. It has a National Match M14 barrel in a McMillan glass bedded fiberglass stock, uses a special gas piston, a National Match spring guide and a Brookfield Precision Tool Advanced Scope Mounting System.
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