Map of M22 4RZ postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of M22 4RZ postcode in Wythenshawe, England with local information, lat/long: 53.393866, -2.252758, grid reference: SJ832885
Altrincham Road, Manchester, M22 4RZ - detailed information
View information about Altrincham Road, Manchester, M22 4RZ postcode, including employment, safety, property prices, nearby schools, broadband, sport facilities, nearby restaurants and pubs.
Manchester - Pines Clinic | Transform - Transforming Lives
Our dedicated Manchester aesthetics facilities are first-class. The Pines Hospital has two fully equipped operating theatres, 22 beds, 16 of which are private. We also have specially designed consultation rooms to ensure your journey with us is comfortable from day one.
The Pines Hospital - NHS
192 Altrincham Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M22 4RZ About this hospital. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Departments and services; Patient ratings and reviews
Area Information for Altrincham Road, Manchester, M22 4RZ
Altrincham Road in Manchester is in the North West region of England. The postcode is within the Sharston ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Wythenshawe and Sale East. This page combines information for the address Altrincham Road, Manchester, M22 4RZ, and the neighbourhood in which it resides.
M22 4RZ maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
M22 4RZ lies on Altrincham Road in Manchester. M22 4RZ is located in the Sharston electoral ward, within the metropolitan district of Manchester and the English Parliamentary constituency of Wythenshawe and Sale East .
Property valuation - Apartment 38, Manor Court, 196, Altrincham …
Apartment 38, Manor Court, 196 is a flat - it is ranked as the 51st most expensive property* in M22 4RZ, with a valuation of £166,000. It last sold in 2021 for £147,500; since then, its value has increased by £18,500. The average price for a 3 bed property in the Sharston area of Manchester is £233,000 in today's market.
M22 4RZ Postcode in Manchester - Streetlist
All about the M22 4RZ Postcode in Manchester: from latest house prices, broadband speeds, historical maps to top local attractions!
Manor Court, Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester, M22 4RZ PURCHASE PRICE: £129,950 DESCRIPTION: Occupying one of the best positions in this popular modern development, we are pleased to offer for sale an excellent two bedroom third floor apartment. The apartment offers modern well-proportioned accommodation benefiting from a balcony and ...
Pines Hospital: 192 Altrincham Road Sharston Manchester M22 4RZ …
192 Altrincham Road Sharston Manchester M22 4RZ 0161 495 2400; [email protected]