M230 chain gun - Wikipedia
The M230LF, offered by Orbital ATK, is a more capable version of the Apache autocannon. Features include an anti-hangfire system, a delinking feeder that exploits linked ammunition, and an extended-length barrel, which results in greater muzzle velocity and hitting power from the same M789 HEDP and NATO standard 30 mm ADEN/DEFA projectiles.
Evolution of the M230 Bushmaster Chain Gun - Northrop Grumman
Originally developed to support anti-armor, border control, and maritime missions, the M230LF can replace the use of .50 caliber machine guns on light weight platforms to move from a suppression weapon to an offensive mission set.
M230LF - Army Guide
The Link Fed 30 mm M230LF is a derivative of the original 30 mm M230 automatic cannon, covered in detail in a separate entry, which is fitted to The Boeing Company AH-64 series of Apache attack helicopter. The objective of this modification of the proven M230 was to make it more suitable for installation on light vehicles and small boats.
乱花渐欲迷人眼--速览美现役30mm机炮 - 哔哩哔哩
而M230LF(美军正式名称为XM914)则是在M230上改用链式供弹、加长炮管、缩短总长度的改进版本,总的来说提高了初速(838m/s)、降低了射速(200发/分)。 该机炮还是使用30×113mm弹药,主要将用于各种轻型陆基平台,比较让人疑惑的是斯崔克IM-SHORAD也是采用这种航改机炮,威力对比MK44显得较小。 XM914机炮. MK44(大毒蛇/丛林之王 II)及其衍生品家族. Mk44(大毒蛇/丛林之王 II)是由ATK(现并入诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司)研发生产的30mm机 …
Bushmaster Chain Guns - Northrop Grumman
The M230LF brings 30mm lethality to light weight ground platforms, where .50 caliber chain guns are traditionally used, ensuring overmatch on the battlefield. Firing 30x113mm advanced ammunition, including Proximity ammunition, the M230LF can defeat ground, aerial, and Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
Northrop Grumman Unveils the Next Generation of Bushmaster® …
2024年10月9日 · As the first medium caliber chain gun in the world to offer a dual feed, the M230LF brings flexible lethality to the evolving battlespace. The cannon’s system can instantly switch between ammunition paths, enabling operators to seamlessly address targets that require different 30x113mm ammunition types.
M230LF 链式机关炮——全面剖析 - 哔哩哔哩
以下是 70 字左右的小结:m230lf 链式机关炮有优点,如链式供弹稳定、初速高、重量轻。但也有不足,像射速低、后坐力限制、弹药威力有限及维护复杂等。需改进以适应作战需求。, 视频播放量 3901、弹幕量 1、点赞数 106、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 108、转发人数 ...
The 30mm M230LF Bushmaster® Chain Gun® is a more flexible version of the 30mm cannon featured on the Apache helicopter and is a member of the Chain Gun family of externally powered, combat-reliable conventional automatic weapons. The M230LF boasts a DC drive motor with a firing rate of 200 rounds per minute.
The 30x113mm M230LF Bushmaster® Chain Gun® is the latest derivative of the 30mm cannon featured on the Apache helicopter and is a member of the Chain Gun family of externally powered, combat-reliable conventional automatic weapons. The M230LF boasts a DC drive motor with a firing rate of 200 rounds per minute.
M230机炮 - 百度百科
M230是一种单管 航空机炮,机炮全长1638mm、宽254mm、高292mm,全重55.8kg,机匣重28.6kg,炮管重15.9kg,缓冲器重5.4kg, 弹链 或无链转换装置重 5.9kg。 M230机炮全称M-230E-1 30mm单管链炮。 M230机炮最初是由原休斯直升机公司(现 麦道 直升机公司 MDHC)于1972年初自筹资金、独立研发的项目,旨在研发采用简单闭合链路驱动的20mm口径单管 航空机炮,称之为链式(Chain)航空机炮,该炮采用美国陆军现用标准的20mm口径M50系列弹药。 同年, …