M33 DSOs imaged with dual band filter - Cloudy Nights
2022年11月12日 · Although dual band filters are not usually recommended for imaging galaxies, M33 is one galaxy that does benefit from such a filter because of it’s numerous Ha and OIII …
M33 + HA/OIII - AstroBin
I continue to be impressed with the dark skies and the level of detail that can be resolved by this setup when seeing conditions are really nice. I've shot this target many times from light …
M 33 - The Triangulum Galaxy with an eye on its Ha regions - Cloudy Nights
2022年10月31日 · First, this method avoids a reddish (Ha), sometimes bluish (OIII) haze on the galaxy surface. This is otherwise unavoidable, because with bright galaxies a lot of broadband …
M33 and StarXTerminator - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging
2024年11月23日 · M33 and StarXTerminator - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I just finished imaging M33 with my EdgeHD11 + FF/FR + ASI2400MC, using an Antlia Ha+OIII filter …
《M33 第23版》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
2024年11月23日 · 终于在这一版本修出了我想要的效果,发挥了130的解析力! 令人叹为观止的M33,素材本身质量相当顶,后期水平也很高,Ha与Oiii混合非常平滑。 个人觉得美中不足是 …
《M33三角座星系》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
2025年1月1日 · 还有由于m33有oiii区,会有些小绿花,请不要直接全局去绿。 如果以后遇到不能出摊的天气,也可以好好琢磨一下这份12小时的素材。
M33 (Triangulum) with Emission Structures in HaO3
M33 is a well studied galaxy and has many prominent emission structures with multiple survey catalogs of these structures. The annotated image shows groupings of these emission …
M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy
Seeing (FWHM Average Arcseconds): Ha OIII Hb RGB=2.6 : 2.0 : 2.6 : 2.7 : 2.4 : 2.2 Software: MaxIm DL, Images Plus, Photoshop, Registar, Star & Noise XTerminator, Sharpen AI
2019木里观测记录 星系/行星状星云篇-牧夫天文网 - Powered by …
在DOB20 N31目镜视场中,M33的悬臂非常清楚。 在6点钟方向视场大约一半的位置有一个小亮斑,当时以为是NGC588,回上海后看了电子星图发现不对,NGC588应该在12点方向,6点方 …
M33 Narrowband - Why so green? - Cloudy Nights
2011年12月7日 · It looks green because H-alpha light predominates in galaxies (over OIII and SII). You mapped H-alpha to green, so that is the dominant color, especially in the star forming …