M4 (missile) - Wikipedia
The M4 was a French submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) deployed on the nuclear Redoutable -class submarines (except the Redoutable herself, which was not refitted). [1] They entered service on 1 May 1985. They were the first French MIRV -capable nuclear missiles, with six 150 kilotonne warheads. [1]
M-4 / M-45 - France Nuclear Forces
The M-4 is an intermediate range, submarine-launched, solid propellant, MRV capable ballistic missile. It is the fourth missile in the MSBS (Mer-Sol-Balistique-Strategique) family which comprises a number of submarine-launched, intermediate range missiles, similar in form to the US Polaris and Poseidon families.
M45 (missile) - Wikipedia
The M45 SLBM was a French Navy submarine-launched ballistic missile (In French terminology, the MSBS - Mer-Sol-Ballistique-Stratégique (Sea-ground-Strategic ballistic missile).)
潜射弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
潜射弹道导弹 (英语: submarine-launched ballistic missile, 缩写: SLBM)是指由 弹道导弹潜艇 发射的 弹道导弹。 现代化的该类型 导弹 大多具备搭载 多目标重返大气层载具 (MIRVs)能力,以便由一枚载具同时配备多个 核 弹头 同时攻击多个目标。
潛射彈道導彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
現代化的該類型 導彈 大多具備搭載 多目標重返大氣層載具 (MIRVs)能力,以便由一枚載具同時配備多個 核 彈頭 同時攻擊多個目標。 潛射彈道導彈的操作方式不同於 潛射巡航導彈。 固體燃料,乾式發射,水上點火。 以美國的 北極星系列 為代表。 俄羅斯的 布拉瓦導彈,中國的 巨浪-2彈道導彈 、 巨浪-3彈道導彈 也採取這條路線。 固體燃料,乾式發射,水下點火。 法國的 M51導彈。 液體燃料,濕式發射,水下點火。 蘇聯傳統的SLBM均為此路線。 中國第一代的 巨浪-1彈 …
M4 (missile) - Wikiwand articles
The M4 was a French submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) deployed on the nuclear Redoutable -class submarine s (except the Redoutable herself, which was not refitted).
M-4 | missile | Britannica
In rocket and missile system: Multiple warheads …its SLBM force with the M-4, a three-stage MIRVed missile capable of carrying six 150-kiloton warheads to ranges of 3,600 miles. Read More
Overview — M4 SLBM — Nuclear and Strategic — …
The French M4 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) was the first French missile armed with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs). Specifically, it was a three-stage missile fitted with six MIRVs.
M20 (missile) - Wikipedia
The M20 was a French submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) deployed on the nuclear Redoutable -class submarines from 1977. It was withdrawn from service by 1991. [1] It was largely succeeded by the M4 and M45 missiles.
三叉戟II型弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
UGM-133A三叉戟II型弹道导弹,又称 三叉戟D5 是一款 潜射弹道导弹 (SLBM),由 洛克希德·马丁 公司位于加州 森尼韦尔 的空间系统公司研发制造,装备 美国 以及 英国 海军。