2025年2月16日 · The name 'M4 SOPMOD II' refers to the combination of two things: the M4 carbine and the SOPMOD II accessory kit set issued to special operations units of the United States Military such as the Delta Force, Navy Seals and Army Rangers. The M4 assault rifle was developed from the earlier M16A2, and chambers the 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge.
少女前线:M4 SOPMOD II - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
M4 SOPMOD II 是由云母组研发、暗冬网络发行的战术策略养成类游戏 《少女前线》 (英: Girls' Frontline)及其衍生作品的登场角色。 M4 SOPMOD Block II 是CQBR USSOCOM为其辖下部队开发的M4卡宾枪改装套件Special Operations Peculiar Modification(SOPMOD)Block I的更新改进版本。 现该版本由多间公司生产,包括KAC(Knight's Armament Company)、ARMS(Atlantic Research Marketing Systems)、Lewis Machine & Tools,而Daniel Defense则生产RIS-II(新 …
M4A1 - IOP Wiki
2025年3月16日 · The M4A1 carbine is a fully automatic variant of the basic M4 carbine intended for special operations use. The M4A1 has a "S-1-F" (safe/semi-automatic/fully automatic) trigger group, while the M4 has a "S-1-3" (safe/semi-automatic/3-round burst) trigger group.
M4 SOPMOD II - Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
M4 SOPMOD II is a reocurring character that originates from Girls' Frontline. SOPMOD is a a member of the Anti-Rain Team, often being portrayed as a psychopath and someone who gets enjoyment in causing destruction wherever she goes.
M4 SOPMOD II/Story - IOP Wiki
2024年11月17日 · M4 SOPMOD II is one of the founding members of AR Team in 2061 with AR M16A1, AR M4A1 and AR ST AR-15. At first, SOP-II felt out of place in the team due to M4A1 being afraid of her violent behavior and AR-15 hating her lack of professionalism. M16A1 was the only one willing to engage in conversation with her.
SOPMOD II ——〖枪炮世界〗
一位叫Jeff Gurwitch的绿色贝雷帽队员,同时也是USPSA、三枪比赛、IDPA比赛的选手,以下一些M4就是他自己和他队友的M4照片 Jeff Gurwitch于2015年他的M4 CQBR原来10.5吋枪管换成14.5吋枪管,配合6倍的VCOG瞄准镜作为RECCE步枪使用,VCOG左侧装了一个小型红点镜用于 …
M4 SOPMODII - 戰術人形 - 少女前線資料庫
M4 SOPMODII是少女前線手遊的突擊步槍 (AR)槍娘,編號No.56的4星角色。 技能:殺傷榴彈;繪師:海貓絡合物;配音:田村由加莉
少女前线图片系列:M4 SOPMOD II专场 - 哔哩哔哩
这次带来的图片是关于M4 SOPMOD II的。 同时也是同属于AR小队的一名成员。 原型同样是一把美国****,且广泛配发给美军特种部队使用。 该人形外形有着类似犬科动物耳朵的耳部装饰,整体造型与敌对铁血阵营的红黑配色尤为接近的一位人形,人物设定中也提到其身体部分部件也是从铁血残骸中获得并安装在自己身体上的,其本人也有收集铁血部件的嗜好(比方说把铁血兵蚁当狗养什么的),对待铁血人形则表现出虐待狂的一面(手撕铁血了解一下),战斗中更是有如狂战 …
M4 SOPMOD II - GFL T-Doll - GFVerse.info
Each smaller grenade deals 190% damage to enemies within a radius of 1 yard and does an extra 25% damage to enemies marked with the Seal of the Avenger. M4 SOPMOD II (Sopmod) is an AP Grenadier AR, and like all AP/HP Grenadiers has a lengthy 8 seconds ICD.
M4 SOPMOD II | GFL Universe's Wiki | Fandom
Launch a grenade that deals 12x damage to enemies within a radius of 1.5 units. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
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