AAC Light-heavyweight M4 Savage Raid Guide - Icy Veins
2024年8月2日 · AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) can be unlocked at level 100 after completing the Normal difficulty of the Light-heavyweight raid and talking to Gabbro in Solution Nine (x22.3, y17.1). It requires a minimum item level of 710 to queue, but this requirement can be bypassed when entering with a full party. 3.
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) - Final Fantasy XIV Online …
2025年2月25日 · AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) is a level 100 raid introduced in patch 7.05 with Dawntrail. The raid is also known as M4S. Completing this duty is needed to unlock Futures Rewritten (Ultimate). Unlike Endwalker fourth-floor savage fights, this encounter does not have a door boss or checkpoint.
【FF14 7.0】M4S前半攻略 阿卡狄亚零式 轻重量级4 前半 | G8无改
2024年11月16日 · 看黄蓝buff,看boss到北侧后 往哪一侧偏转,立刻去场边 (此处尽量 让开boss正面 ,不要挡队友视线看转向), 个人会开疾跑去场边龙骑打aoe连 , 吃不了两下千万别贪!
【菓子】轻量级零式4层 FF14阿卡狄亚登天斗技场 M4S超详解攻略
【mmw攻略组】m4s 阿卡狄亚零式登天斗技场 轻量级4(后半) 攻略详解
M4S Raid Guide | FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)|Game8
2024年8月15日 · AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) is the fourth savage raid in the first tier of the Arcadion in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read on to learn more about the boss, Wicked Thunder, and a guide to the raid mechanics and attack patterns during the boss fight!
【FF14】量子速读绝枪战士M4S小抄(非输出轴) - 哔哩哔哩
2024年11月14日 · boss拆完地板闪现到位开启铁壁伪装 ,能覆盖前两次挡枪,120插不进去就提前在丢闪雷弹的时候开,保证第一次有就行 准备挡枪时开启 刚玉 ,需要早开二挡枪前尽量晚开启 星云 ,这样能卡到第三次挡枪 三挡枪前 刚玉 极限转好开启 后半接线死刑(芥末爆弹)
M4S | Materia Raiding
The boss will prepare to randomly target four players with clone dives dealing physical damage, inflicting Physical Vulnerability Up for 13s and Forked Lightning for 8s. These will always either target all supports (T/H) or all DPS and so the party must stay spread.
M4S | Natsu's FFXIV
Copy ー【Electrope Edge 2:Sideways Spark】ーーーー ※ Flip horizontally as needed D3 TH↓ MT H1 DPS↑ TH↑ D1 ST DPS↓ D2 H2 ↑: More ↓: Less D4 ー【Ion Cluster】ーーーーーー【Transition】ーーー Purple | D3/MT ST/D4 Near/Far | Blue Blue ※T/H at wall| H1/D1 D2/H2 Blue Blue ※DPS inside| Near/Far |※ Boss-relative Purple |※ Dodge CW ⇒ CCW ー ...
M4S (Savage) - Wicked Thunder - The Studium
Guides and resources for M4S, the first Savage fight of The Arcadion raids in FFXIV Dawntrail
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV …
4 天之前 · The boss will fly to one end of the remaining column and gain Directional Disregard, making her hitbox omnidirectional. As long as her health is below 20% before the platform is destroyed, she will enter this sequence even if the initial cannon summon was …
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