Next Generation Squad Weapon - Wikipedia
The Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program is a United States military program created in 2017 by the U.S. Army to replace the 5.56mm M4 carbine, the M249 SAW light machine gun, and the 7.62mm M240 machine gun, with a common system of 6.8mm cartridges and to develop small arms fire-control systems for the new weapons.
XM7 rifle - Wikipedia
U.S. Army Fort Campbell Garrison Commander Col. Christopher Midberry aims an XM7 Next-Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) during a weapon familiarization demonstration, 25 September 2023, at Fort Campbell, Ky.
XM7突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XM7 (前稱: XM5)是 SIG MCX Spear突擊步槍 的 美國陸軍 衍生型,發射.277 Fury (英语:.277 Fury) (6.8×51毫米)口徑子彈 [1][8]。 它是由 西格&紹爾 (SIG Sauer)於2022年為了參與“ 下一代班用武器計劃 (英语:Next Generation Squad Weapon Program) ”(Next Generation Squad Weapon Program,NGSW)而研發,目的是取代現役的 M4卡賓槍。 XM7具備一條加強的自由浮動 M-LOK 護木 以供用戶安裝各種配件。 2019年1月,美國陸軍展開“下一 …
XM7 NGSW-R步 枪 - 枪炮世界
SIG提供参选的MCX Spear步枪是基于2018年推出的MCX-MR的改进型,被NGSW选中后定型为XM5步枪,不过要把前面的X去掉,还需要经过一段时间的试装备,且在此期间还可能会根据来自基层的反馈进行改进。 在2023年初美国陆军又宣布将XM5重新命名为XM7,据称是因为发现柯尔特公司已经注册了M5步枪,所以为了避免将来正式定型为M5步枪时出现混乱,所以决定重新命名。 但因为LWRC公司也注册了M6的商标,于是NGSW-R的新命名是XM7。 (感觉有点多余, …
美国官商催生的步枪项目——陆军“下一代班组武器”(NGSW)计 …
圈内在新计划中除了发现计划命名的更改,还发现新的计划寻求用NGSW-R(步枪)替代 M4/M4A1 卡宾枪;用 NGSW-AR(自动步枪)来替代 M249 班组自动武器(SAW)。 这实际是把NGSAR计划的一把自动步枪又细分成了步枪、班用机枪。 这样就可以理解为啥会从NGSAR(“下一代班组自动步枪”)改为NGSW(“下一代班组武器”)。 1、新计划更详细地定义了步枪和机枪,但没有对重量、长度、枪管长度等性能指标明确要求: “NGSW-R”:采用6.8毫米口径的步 …
The Army Has Finally Fielded Its Next Generation Squad Weapons
2024年3月29日 · U.S. Army soldiers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, observe a Next-Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) machine gun with fire control during a Program Executive...
SIG-Sauer M5 (XM5) Modular Assault Carbine - Military Factory
2022年4月20日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the SIG-Sauer M5 (XM5) Modular Assault Carbine including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
Why did Colt produce the M5 family of rifles? - Sandboxx
2023年6月20日 · Why did Colt produce the M5 family of rifles? SIG Sauer and MCX Spear won the Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) contest, and the rifle variant will be crowned the M5. This is a graduation upon the M4, which served the United States Army for decades. The M4 leaves big shoes to fill, and hopefully, the SIG rifle is ready to step up.
Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Program - United …
The NGSW Automatic Rifle is a lightweight, belt-fed, select fire, 6.8mm light machine gun. It has fully ambidextrous controls, a collapsible buttstock, MLOK® mounting locations, and a recoil...
Army finally picks an optic for Next Generation Squad Weapon
2022年1月7日 · The Army is scheduled this year to choose between the NGSW prototype offerings from Sig Sauer, a more conventional AR-style design, and the True Velocity/LoneStar Future Weapons, an option which...