M50NiL (AMS 6278): High Temperature Bars at Sullivan Steel
M50NiL is a low-carbon, high-nickel variant of M50 steel. It is carburizable for wear resistance and fatigue strength, while its inner core maintains high fracture toughness. M50NiL is also known as CBS-50 NiL ® and AMS 6278. Typically, M50NiL is for applications requiring both surface strength and fatigue resistance.
Grade M50NIL Bearing Steel - Universal Stainless
M50NIL is a bearing steel that is melted as VIM + VAR melt type. This grade has increased molybdenum which helps improve wear resistance and strength at high temperatures. This grade is very similar to M50 alloy but is a low carbon, high …
M50NiL vs. M50 & How Carburizing Impacts Their Applications
2025年1月17日 · M50NiL is a variant of M50, a specialized, high performance steel often used in the aerospace sector. Both of these materials perform admirably in critical, high-speed, elevated temperature applications where grades like 52100 or 440C may fall short. But how do you choose between M50NiL and M50?
シャフトやM50(耐熱軸受鋼)に代表されるエンジン 軸受素材を世界の各エンジンメーカーの認定を受け,製 造している. 近年,航空機のマーケットは,CO 2 排出量や騒音など の環境問題への対応や,LCC(Low Cost Carrier格安高
Study of M50NiL steel under carburizing and nitriding duplex treatment
2019年10月15日 · To satisfy the requirements for bearing materials for aircraft engines, a new generation of case-hardened aerospace bearing steel, M50NiL steel, was obtained by improving M50 steel. M50NiL steel is a secondary hardening steel with low carbon and high Cr, Mo, Ni, and V contents; it can be used in high-temperature applications, and its fracture ...
M50 NIL - SAE AMS 6278D-2011 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
M50 NIL: 对应标准: SAE AMS 6278D-2011 轴承用优质航空质量级双真空熔化钢、钢棒、锻件和管材 Steel, Bar, Forgings, and Tubing 4.1Cr-3.4Ni-4.2Mo-1.2V(0.11-0.15C) Premium Aircraft-Quality for Bearing Applications Double Vacuum Melted: 归类: 合金钢: 性能: 易切削性: 标签: 优质合金钢 …
Microstructure and mechanical properties of M50NiL steel …
2014年3月1日 · M50NiL steel is nitrocarburized with and without rare earth (RE) addition. RE addition can increase the surface hardness and layer thickness. RE can increase C, N contents and proportion of iron nitrides in treated layers. Plasma nitrocarburizing can significantly improve the wear resistance of M50NiL steel.
Experimental study on heat treatment and mechanical behaviour of M50 …
2021年1月1日 · Hot Compression tests are used to study the behaviour of M50 NiL Steel during deformation. Potentio dynamic curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are used to evaluate the corrosion properties for untreated and carbon ion implanted steels.
M50-Nil | 素形材製品 | 製品情報 | 大同特殊鋼
軽量で、高強度、高靭性、耐熱性を高い次元で満たすジェットエンジンシャフトは、世界4大航空エンジンメーカーの製造認定を取得。 原料から製造工程に至るまで厳しい管理と徹底し …
Another high alloy steel used in the aerospace industry is M-50 NiL, which is a case hardening grade. M-50 NiL was developed to prevent radial cracking and fracture [5], but is also used in applications where the highest reliability in terms of rolling contact fatigue life …