M58 MICLIC - Wikipedia
The M58 mine-clearing line charge (MICLIC) is a rocket-projected mine-clearing line charge used to provide a "close-in" demining capability for maneuver forces of the United States Army and …
The M58 linear demolition charge is 350 feet long, consisting of three 100-foot sections and one 50- foot section which in total contain 700 C4 block charges. The MICLIC ammo components …
M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge - Military.com
2015年10月29日 · The M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) is a rocket propelled explosive line charge. It is used to clear a path through minefields and other obstacles. The clearing line …
The two variants of the MCS system deploy the M58 and M59 LDCs. The only difference between the M58 and M59 is the packaging configuration, shown in Figure 1, and the launch platform. …
重甲平推、爆破扫雷,美军现役清障扫雷坦克M1150“碎纸机” - 哔 …
这种引爆索每隔0.3米配备一个2.2公斤的c4炸药包。 在车身前方铺设完成后引爆C4炸药,使用爆炸的威力引爆地雷,从而“扫”出一条长约100米,宽度在8米左右的安全通道。
M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) - Federation of …
M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) DESCRIPTION: The MICLIC is a rocket projected explosive line charge which provides a "close-in" breaching capability for maneuver forces. It …
厉害了 美军魔改M1用C4爆破火箭扫雷 - 搜狐
2016年10月14日 · m58爆破索展开后,发射装置产生的电子脉冲将引爆近800千克的c4炸药,落地爆炸,排除雷场内的地雷及其他障碍物,为友军坦克和步兵开辟出一条安全通道。
M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The line charge is 350 feet long and contains 5 pounds per linear foot of composition C-4 explosive. Engineer units employ the MICLIC in response to minefield …
The Charge, Demolition High Explosive Linear M58A4 (DODIC M913) is a trailer-mounted and rocket-towed linear demolition charge designed to provide a clear path for combat vehicles …
M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge - Everything2.com
2003年4月1日 · The M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge is a United States Army combat engineering system first placed in production in 1989. In short, a MICLIC is a rocket propelled minefield …