Type 64 (tank) - Wikipedia
The Type 64 (TL64, Chinese: 六四式) is the designation of two distinct Cold War -era light tank projects of the Republic of China Armed Forces, in service from 1975.
M64 | War Thunder Wiki
The M64 (Chinese: 六四式戰車) was an attempt by the ROCA to develop domestically produced tanks in Taiwan using parts from the M18 GMC and M42 Duster. In the 1970s, the ROCA's …
64式轻型坦克 - 百度百科
64式轻型坦克(英文名: Type 64 Light Tank )由台湾台中市战车发展中心(英文名: Fighting Vehicles Development Center,Taichung,Taiwan,CN)研制, 生产是由台湾台中市战车司令部 …
M64 - War Thunder Wiki
The M64, also known as the M64 (Chinese: 六四式戰車), was an attempt to develop domestic tanks in Taiwan using parts from the M18 GMC and M42 Duster. In the 1970s, the previous …
台湾64式轻型坦克部分简介(私货版) - 知乎专栏
该车目前确认现存的有三辆,分别位于陆军装甲学院(最常见的超低清照片就是它)、 中正理工学院 (现台湾国防理工大学)以及 成功岭 (该处64式实车照片没有流入国内网络,所以很少人 …
64式主战轻型坦克:从M41到本土化的国防演进 - 百家号
2024年5月21日 · 64式轻型坦克(英文名:Type 64 Light Tank)的研制和生产工作,主要由台湾台中市战车发展中心(英文名:Fighting Vehicles Development Center, Taichung, Taiwan, …
64式轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年1月20日 · 六四式轻型坦克 (TL64、Type 64 Light Tank)是一款中国台湾产的轻型坦克,由中国台湾陆军兵工署于1975年以M18坦克歼击车的炮塔与M42防空炮车的车体底盘组装而 …
ROCS Type 64 light Tank (1975)
The Type 64 is a 1975 conversion of M42 Duster chassis with M18 Hellcat turrets, creating an hybrid that was quite original to answer the need of more firepower to face PLA tanks in case …
Type 64 (tank) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 64 (TL64, Chinese: 六四式) is a Cold War-era light tank of the Republic of China Armed Forces, in service from 1975. As a hybrid of the M42 Duster and M18 Hellcat, the Type 64 was …
Type 64 (Light Tank) - Army Guide
The Type 64 light tank is similar to the US designed and built M41A2/M41A3 in automotive and mechanical details and has the same dimensions, chassis, engine and transmission but an …