Aimpoint CompM4 - Wikipedia
The Aimpoint CompM4 is a non-magnified red dot style gun sight adopted by the U.S. Armed Forces, designated the M68 CCO (Close Combat Optic). It is produced by the Swedish company Aimpoint and is the successor to the earlier M68CCO, the Aimpoint CompM2 .
Aimpoint CompM4 Official US Army M68CCO Red Dot Sight …
The Aimpoint CompM4 is now the latest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic), continuing a legacy that Aimpoint has maintained since 1997. The performance of the CompM4 sights is optimized for use with all generations of Night Vision Devices (NVDs), but is especially suited for 3rd generation night vision technology.
The Aimpoint CompM4s is the latest version of the U.S. Army's M68CCO (Close-Combat Optic), continuing a legacy that Aimpoint has maintained since 1997. The CompM4 has a top-mounted battery compartment while the CompM4s has a low battery compartment - this is the only difference between the sights.
LaRue Tactical QD Mount for Aimpoint CompM4 and CompM4 …
The LT659 is the QD solution for the newest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic). It is available in three sizes, Tall, Medium & Short. Like all LaRue mounts, it is precision-machined out of bar-stock aluminum and matt black anodized to provide a …
LaRue Tactical QD Mount for Aimpoint CompM4/CompM4-S - OpticsPlanet
The LT659 is the QD solution for the newest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic). It is available in three sizes, Tall, Medium & Short. Like all LaRue mounts, it is precision-machined out of bar-stock aluminum and matt black anodized to provide a …
M68 CCO mount - AR15.COM
2019年6月18日 · Putting together a sorta clone of a Block 1 (6920 M4 with 16” barrel instead of a 14.5” with extended muzzle brake) and plan to use an Aimpoint PRO with the correct mount.
Zeroing the Close Combat Optic (CCO), Part 1: - Primary
2017年7月9日 · To recap our discussion from last week, the close combat optic (CCO), M68 is a non-telescopic (unmagnified) reflex sight that is designed for the “eyes-open” method of sighting. It is the sighting system for the M4/M16 family of weapons with the highest population across the United States Army.
cco.pptx - Introduction to Optic's and Laser's M68 Close...
2022年7月5日 · STANDARDS: Zero the M68 Close Combat Optic (CCO) properly by: Preparing the M68 CCO for operation. Establishing a correct sight picture. Establishing a tight shot group (Grouping Exercise 8 out of 10 rounds within a 4 cm shot group). Adjusting the M68 CCO to obtain a zero (achieving point of aim/point of impact for a 300 meter zero).
TM 9-1240-413-13P - ArmyProperty.com
Technical Manual (TM) 9-1240-413-13P Title: M68 SIGHT, REFLEX Login to download, request hard copy, or add this manual to your unit library
2013年12月16日 · m69式称得上是战后苏军制服的代表。苏军更换m69式制服时,正值勃列日涅夫主政时期。在那个时代,随着苏军国际行动的增加,世界各地到处闪现着穿着m69式制服的苏军士兵的身影。 上衣. 裤子