Zastava M70 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The Zastava M70 (Serbian Cyrillic: Застава М70) is a 7.62×39mm assault rifle developed in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by Zastava Arms. The M70 was an unlicensed derivative of the Soviet AK-47 (specifically the Type 3 variant). [4] .
扎斯塔瓦M70突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
扎斯塔瓦M70 (塞爾維亞語:Застава М70)是 塞爾維亞 扎斯塔瓦武器公司 (Zastava Arms)生產的7.62毫米口徑 突擊步槍,以前 蘇聯 AK系列突擊步槍 為基礎,亦是 南斯拉夫人民軍 曾經大量裝備的突擊步槍。 1959年,兩名 阿爾巴尼亞 士兵帶著蘇聯製AK步槍叛逃到南斯拉夫。 南斯拉夫政府隨即要求扎斯塔瓦的工程師對收繳的AK步槍進行研究。 雖然扎斯塔瓦成功製造出兩個AK樣本的金屬鑄件,但他們沒有足夠的样本資料去重現步槍的相關零件公差。 後來在1959年末,南 …
枪械科普:扎斯塔瓦M70 - 哔哩哔哩
扎斯塔瓦M70(塞尔维亚语:Застава М70)是塞尔维亚扎斯塔瓦武器公司生产的7.62毫米口径突击步枪,以前苏联AK系列突击步枪为基础,亦是南斯拉夫人民军曾经大量装备的突击步枪。 历史. 1959年,两名阿尔巴尼亚士兵带着苏联制AK步枪叛逃到南斯拉夫。 南斯拉夫政府随即要求扎斯塔瓦的工程师对收缴的AK步枪进行研究。 虽然扎斯塔瓦成功制造出两个AK样本的金属铸件,但他们没有足够的资料去重现步枪的相关零件。 后来在1959年末,南斯拉夫政府从某个接受苏联援 …
Zastava M70 M70A M70B M70A1 M70AB1 M70AB2 M70B1 M05E …
These rifles were used by Yugoslavian army and police, and also widely exported, and can be often encountered in Africa, Middle East and other regions. A licensed copy of the Zastava M70 rifle was produced in Iraq as Tabuk rifle. Zastava M70A assault rifle, early version with machined receiver and folding stock.
Zastava M70 Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2019年8月21日 · The M70 has been evolved into various forms beyond the original fixed stock "M70" production version, varying mainly in its receiver manufacturing process and its form of stock. The M70A was completed with a metal folding stock while the M70A1 was very similar though finished with an optics mount.
Zastava M70 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Zastava M70 (Serbian: Застава М70) was Yugoslavia's domestically designed variant of the Soviet AK-47, and was the primary standard service rifle of the Yugoslav People's Army and later the Serbian Army (until its replacement by the Zastava M21).
欧洲近现代步枪 84 南斯拉夫M70系列突击步枪 - 知乎
Zastava M70系列步枪基于苏联AK-47和AKM步枪改进而来。 也被称为“Yugo M70”和“Yugo AK”。 主要指标: 自动方式:自动. 口径:7.62mm. 空枪重量:4.15kg. 全枪长度:920mm. 枪管长度:415mm. 子弹:7.62mm枪弹. 初速:620m/s. 供弹方式:30发弹匣. 研发国:前南斯拉夫. 研发装备情况: 前南斯拉夫Zastava Arms, YU (Former)(扎斯塔瓦武器公司)在上世纪60年代获得AK-47生产授权。 固定木质枪托型号被命名为M64型,折叠金属枪托被命名为M64B型。
Zastava M70 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Not to be confused with Zastava LK M70 series of hunting rifles, M70A 9x19mm or M70 7.65mm pistols. The Zastava M70 is an assault rifle developed and produced in Yugoslavia, nowadays Kragujevac, Serbia by Zastava Arms company.
Zastava M70 assault rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Zastava M70 (Serbian Cyrillic language: Застава М70 ) is a 7.62x39mm assault rifle. Developed in Yugoslavia by Zastava Arms during the 1960s, the M70 was an unlicensed derivative of the Soviet AK-47 (specifically the Type 3 variant). It became the standard issue infantry weapon in the Yugoslav People's Army in 1970, complementing and later superseding the Zastava M59/66. Both the ...
Zastava M70 - Weaponsystems.net
M70B1 / M70AB2: The M70 is the Yugoslav version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. After a prolonged design period the design settled on the M70B1 rifle with fixed stock and M70AB2 with folding stock. The M70 might be the only derivative in the Kalashnikov family in which the folding stock version is more common than the fixed stock model.