Zastava M70 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The Zastava M70 (Serbian Cyrillic: Застава М70) is a 7.62×39mm assault rifle developed in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by Zastava Arms. The M70 was an unlicensed …
扎斯塔瓦M70突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m70ab3:採用衝壓機匣及向下摺疊式槍托,移除了槍榴彈瞄具並以bgp 40毫米下掛式榴彈發射器取而代之。 m70b3:採用衝壓機匣及固定槍托,移除了槍榴彈瞄具並以bgp 40毫米下掛式榴 …
扎斯塔瓦M70突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月20日 · m70ab3:采用冲压机匣及向下折叠式枪托,移除了枪榴弹瞄具并以bgp 40毫米下挂式榴弹发射器取而代之。 m70b3:采用冲压机匣及固定枪托,移除了枪榴弹瞄具并以bgp …
M70系列 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
在伊拉克,美国第3步兵师一名士兵手持M70B1步枪. 在阿富汗的斯洛文尼亚特种部队渗透侦察排,他使用的M70B1在护木上增加了皮卡汀尼导轨以便安装各种辅助装备. 尼加拉瓜军队的万国 …
枪械科普:扎斯塔瓦M70 - 哔哩哔哩
m70ab3:采用冲压机匣及向下折叠式枪托,移除了枪榴弹瞄具并以bgp 40毫米下挂式榴弹发射器取而代之。 m70b3:采用冲压机匣及固定枪托,移除了枪榴弹瞄具并以bgp 40毫米下挂式榴 …
Zastava M70 M70A M70B M70A1 M70AB1 M70AB2 M70B1 M05E …
Zastava M70AB3 — version of the M70B3 with under-folding stock Zastava M72 — squad automatic / light machine gun based on M70B1. Has longer, partially finned barrel and bipod, …
Zastava M70 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
It is gas-operated, air-cooled, magazine-fed, selective fire battle rifle with a fixed wooden stock. The M77 AB1 has a folding stock. Early versions had a milled receiver and an adjustable gas …
Zastava M70 Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2019年8月21日 · The M70AB3 also made use of the stamped receiver, was given a folding metal stock and integrated a mount for an underslung, breech-loaded grenade launcher. All versions …
Zastava M70 - Weaponsystems.net
M70B3 / M70AB3: The M70B3 and M70AB3 are models fitted for mounting the Soviet GP-25 or GP-30 grenade launchers. They lack the ability to launch muzzle grenades and can be …
M70 AB3 Assault Rifle - 7.62x39mm with Folding Butt
Assault Rifle M70AB3 accepts all major under-barrel grenade launchers with Russian specs. Selective Fire (semi- and full automatic) fire mode. 7.62x39mm caliber. 30rounds capacity. gas …