M78 Reflection Nebula in Orion | Pictures, Location, & Information
Messier 78 (M78, NGC 2068) is a beautiful blue reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in a group of nebulae that includes NGC 2064, NGC 2067, and NGC 2071.
M78 - Reflection Nebula in Orion - Astrophotography
2023年11月21日 · Messier 78 is a dark diffuse reflection nebula in the constellation of the hunter, Orion. It is very close to Messier 42 (The Orion Nebula) and IC 434 (The Horsehead Nebula). M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection in the night sky and looks great when photographed with a telescope, but can also be captured wide-field using a camera and lens.
M 78 - DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital ... - Cloudy …
2013年3月3日 · Yes, is a modded and cooled Canon by Central d.s. M 78 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hi all, heres my attempt at M78 in only 2hrs 45min of global exp. Unfortunately some passing clouds stopped me earlier..
M78 - DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO …
2011年1月4日 · M78 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Winter so far has left us with little snow and lots of clouds. Yesterday there was a clear period where I could get at least 11 frames of M78. Around 20 had been planned, however thin clouds moved in.
m78 - Getting Started With Imaging - Stargazers Lounge
2018年1月20日 · There was not enough outward movement to bring a dslr to focus. I see that TS now offer a modified version which has a sensible sized secondary further from the primary which allows a (equally sensible) dslr focus position.
M78 and friends - slowly getting there! - Imaging - Deep Sky ...
2016年3月4日 · It´s not easy, using a non-cooled cheap DSLR, a tele lens and with an area of the sky that never rises above 25 degrees or so. 24*3+96*5min, 15*15min Ha. Canon 1100D (Baader filter mod), Canon EF 300/4L IS. HEQ5 Pro with Orion MMAG. I´ve processed the colour and the luminance separately and then added Ha-data to the red channel.
M 78 - DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital ... - Cloudy Nights
2023年2月20日 · M 78 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Heres an image of M 78 in Orion, taken with a modified Nikon D5300 on a Sharpstar 200mm f/3.2 PNT astrograph. This is 29 x 6min at ISO 400, stacked with all calibration files in DSS and finished with PSCS.
M78 with freshly modified 1100d - DSLR, Mirrorless & General …
2012年1月19日 · A couple of days ago I tried my freshly self-modified Canon 1100d Astrodon camera on a faint target in Orion : M78. I'm pretty glad with the result. The 1100d shows a lot less noise than the 350d and after only 4 hours of light, the image was quite easy to process...
M78 Reflection Nebula in Orion : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2019年1月18日 · M78 is a reflection nebula in Orion. It is a wonderful mix of blue reflected light off of dust (from Raleigh scattering), red Ha emissions from the nearby Barnard's loop, and dim orange-filtered stars peeking from behind the dust.
Advice on Shooting M78 - DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose …
2018年10月30日 · I'm planning on shooting M78 this weekend using my modded Canon 500D. I'm confused on whether or not using my Astronomik CLS-CCD filter will do any good for the image (maybe enhance contrast, or pull out more details) knowing that I'll be in relatively good dark skies with minimal light pollution and that M78 is a reflection nebula not an ...