Messier 78 - Wikipedia
Image of Messier 78 captured using the Wide Field Imager camera on the MPG/ ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory. Messier 78 or M78, also known as NGC 2068, is a …
M78 Reflection Nebula in Orion | Pictures, Location,
Messier 78 (M78, NGC 2068) is a beautiful blue reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in a group of nebulae that includes NGC 2064, NGC …
Euclid’s new image of star-forming region Messier 78
2024年5月23日 · This breathtaking image features Messier 78 (the central and brightest region), a vibrant nursery of star formation enveloped in a shroud of interstellar dust. This image is …
Messier 78 - Science@NASA
2024年8月25日 · Hubble's infrared image of Messier 78 helped astronomers understand how young stars develop. NASA, ESA, J. Muzerolle (Space Telescope Science Institute) and S. …
M78 - Reflection Nebula in Orion | Astrophotography Tips and Images
2023年11月21日 · Messier 78 is a dark diffuse reflection nebula in the constellation of the hunter, Orion. It is very close to Messier 42 (The Orion Nebula) and IC 434 (The Horsehead Nebula). …
M78的大视野影像 | NASA中文
2021年1月21日 · M78 Wide Field Image Credit & Copyright: Wes Higgins. Explanation: Interstellar dust clouds and glowing nebulae abound in the fertile constellation of Orion. One of the …
Messier 78 - Messier Objects
2015年8月1日 · Messier 78 (M78) is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Orion, the Hunter. M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky. It has an apparent …
M78, December 2024 - David's Astro Images
M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula of a group of nebulae that includes NGC 2064, NGC 2067 and NGC 2071. This group belongs to the Orion B molecular cloud complex and is about …
Messier 78 (Brian Diaz) - AstroBin
2025年2月13日 · Messier 78 or M78, also known as NGC 2068, is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included by Charles …
M78, NGC 2068 | NOIRLab
2006年8月9日 · This image of M78, the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky, was taken in 2006 with the Mosaic imager on the Mayall 4-meter telescope on Kitt Peak. Located some …