800 weight? | Arctic Chat - Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2011年3月9日 · btw, when you hear cat weights usually they're given as crate weight, which is coolant, shock oil... etc, as compared to a doo weight for example which is truly a DRY weight. 2011 CF8 LE 141 Cutler stage II race gas turbo , powerclaw track, BD-X oil delete, Koso egt, Bparks light weight bushings, BD-X inner wheel kit, BD-X 2 wheel, BD-X anti ...
2010 M 8 weight | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2010年9月19日 · 2011 CF8 LE 141 Cutler stage II race gas turbo, powerclaw track, BD-X oil delete, Koso egt, Bparks light weight bushings, BD-X inner wheel kit, BD-X 2 wheel, BD-X anti-stab, BD-X 40" A arms with 19" floats Wildchild T top post with 4-6" Rox adj riser, protaper bars, cycra handguards, pro design tether. BR-tech Thrasher hood and venting.
M8 Clutch Setup | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2007年9月21日 · The guys at Speedwerks say the M8 engine makes its most torque at 7400-7600. I would suppose they have some data to support that claim. I have ordered some 73.5 g. weights from them as that is what the '08 is running.
M8 vs. M1000 | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2012年10月16日 · I don't think there's that much weight difference between the M8 and M1000 once you do a few mods, and the power you can get from an M1000 with a few mods makes a huge difference if you're in steep and deep. Pretty sure I'm close to 200hp w/ intake, heads, pipe/can and tuner. And the torque is sooo nice.
Clutch weight change help | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2016年12月11日 · To either side of the weights, there is an area you can slide in a large flat blade screwdriver & start to close to the clutch. Then use something wider on the opposite side of the weight to open (close) it a little more. Once I have it far enough I will place a small socket in the open space to hold it while I swap out the weights.
M8 162 weight | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2013年1月24日 · M8 162 weight Jump to Latest 1.6K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by Romulin Jan 25, 2013
M8 Diamond Drive, and Clutching | Arctic Chat - Arctic Cat Forum
2012年11月9日 · 2011 CF8 LE 141 Cutler stage II race gas turbo, powerclaw track, BD-X oil delete, Koso egt, Bparks light weight bushings, BD-X inner wheel kit, BD-X 2 wheel, BD-X anti-stab, BD-X 40" A arms with 19" floats Wildchild T top post with 4-6" Rox adj riser, protaper bars, cycra handguards, pro design tether. BR-tech Thrasher hood and venting.
Changing weights in m8 | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2006年11月6日 · Changing weights in m8 Jump to Latest 1.8K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by mpetrock Nov 7, 2006
2009 M8 HCR | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2008年12月15日 · just got one weak and a half ago, also have 07 m8 141 here is what we've decided so far hcr's stiffer powderclaw hooks up hands down better than, challenger on the 07 soft deeper snow is a disadvantage on the harder track though, it's like night and day differences depending on snow conditions, im sure softer powderclaw makes up there.
Adjustable clutch weights | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2016年9月25日 · Thanks for the informed responses. This project initially began to just inspect/clean the clutches on my '10 M8 153x2.6 PC ltd & '11Crossfire 141x2.25 PC. I initially just planned to replace the O-rings on the cam arm pivot bolts to TP go-rings to free things up. The project progressed to TP 911 covers on both.