Messier 81 - Wikipedia
Messier 81 (also known as NGC 3031 or Bode's Galaxy) is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has a D 25 isophotal diameter of 29.44 kiloparsecs (96,000 light-years ).
Messier 81 - Science@NASA
2024年8月25日 · Discovered by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode in 1774, M81 is one of the brightest galaxies in the night sky. It is located 11.6 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major and has an apparent magnitude of 6.9. Through a pair of binoculars, the galaxy appears as a faint patch of light in the same field of view as M82.
Messier 81: Bode's Galaxy - Messier Objects
2015年8月8日 · Messier 81 (M81), also known as Bode’s Galaxy, is a grand design spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy lies at an approximate distance of 11.8 million light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 6.94.
M81 - Bode's Galaxy | Astrophotography, Location, and Key Facts
Messier 81, also known as Bode’s Galaxy is a grand design spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. M81 is one of the brightest galaxies in our night sky, as seen here on Earth. Its size and well-defined spiral arms make it an enjoyable sight through almost any telescope or even a pair of binoculars. A telescope with an aperture of 8 ...
M81 | NASA中文
2021年3月15日 · Also known as NGC 3031 or Bode’s galaxy for its 18th century discoverer, this grand spiral can be found toward the northern constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear. The sharp, detailed telescopic view reveals M81’s bright yellow nucleus, blue spiral arms, pinkish starforming regions, and sweeping cosmic dust lanes.
Messier 81 (NGC 3031) Bode's Galaxy | Ursa Major - GO …
Messier 81 (NGC 3031), also known as the Bode's Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major in the M81 Group of galaxies. M81 is 11800000 light years away from Earth. M81 is best viewed during early spring, is magnitude 6.9, and can be viewed with binoculars. M81 is 27' x 14' in apparent size. For reference, the full moon ...
M81 - The Bode's Galaxy: Type, Age, Size, Diameter, Mass, …
2024年2月22日 · Bode's Galaxy, also known as Messier 81, is a spiral galaxy located approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It is a large, bright galaxy with a central bulge and spiral arms filled with …
M81 and M82 - Bode and Cigar Galaxies - AstroPixels
2012年4月3日 · Messier 81 or M81 (also designated NGC 3031) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6.9 and its angular diameter is 21x10 arc-minutes. M81 lies at an estimated distance of 12 million light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 9h 55.6m, Dec= +69° 04´.
Full Infrared View of the M81 Galaxy - NASA Science
2023年9月14日 · The magnificent spiral arms of the nearby galaxy Messier 81 are highlighted in this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Located in the northern constellation of Ursa Major (which also includes the Big Dipper), this galaxy is easily visible through binoculars or a small telescope.
NASA SVS | Messier 81 in Multiple Wavelengths
2018年8月20日 · Messier 81 (M81) is a classic example of a spiral galaxy. Star-forming regions in this galaxy become evident in the infrared view. In the infrared, the spiral arm structure becomes much more powerful relative to the visibly bright galactic center, revealing denser concentrations of cold dust and gas ready to be transformed into new stars.