M825 155mm Projectile - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M825 is a 155mm Smoke projectile used to provide screening or marking smoke. It is a separate loading munition using a hollow forged steel shell. The shape is ogival …
Projectile, 155mm Smoke WP, M825, M825A1 - Bulletpicker
The M825/M825A1 smoke projectile is used by the artillery to produce screening smoke to obscure enemy vision or to screen maneuvering elements. These projectiles are separate …
Smoke Projectiles - Federation of American Scientists
The M825 WP projectile is an FA-delivered 155-mm base-ejection projectile designed to produce a smoke screen on the ground for a duration of 5 to 15 minutes. It consists of two major …
155mm m825 projectile - CAT-UXO
This is the American 155mm M825 and M825A1, a White-Phosphorus Smoke (WPS), base-eject, spin-stabilised, carrier projectile used to produce screening SMK to obscure enemy vision or …
PROJECTILE, 155mm, WP, M825 & M825A1 - uxoinfo.com
The M825/M825Al projectile consists of a modified M483A1 projectile carrier consisting of an M483A1 ogive and expulsion charge in a modified M483A1 all steel body and a threaded steel …
155 mm Projectiles - Federation of American Scientists
The M203 propellant charge is a single increment, red bag charge with a central igniter core extending through its entire length and a donut-shaped flash reducer at the forward end of the …
【清华同方精锐M825】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_清华同方精锐M825 …
清华同方精锐m825(i5 13400/16g/512gssd/27英寸) 英特尔 酷睿i5 13代系列,十核心/十二线程,商用电脑,立式,8L,DDR4 3200MHz,集成显卡,共享内存容量 ¥ 3579
155mm M825 White Phosphorus Smoke Projectile - ordnance.com
The 155mm M825 White Phosphorus Smoke Projectile is a vital artillery round developed for obscuration, marking, and signaling on the battlefield. Introduced in the late 20th century. This …
AirWLAN M825 双频无线MESH基站 工业级自组网基站_AnyMESH …
AirWLAN M825 是一款运营级 11ac 双频室外型无线MESH基站。 主要面向室外MESH组网应用。 AirWLAN M825 的 5GHz 射频采用 802.11ac MIMO 2x2模块,最高物理速率可达 …
Material: Castlron shell, forged steel arm.