AGM-84E Standoff Land Attack Missile - Wikipedia
The AGM-84E SLAM (Standoff Land Attack Missile) was a subsonic, over-the-horizon air-launched cruise missile that was developed by McDonnell Douglas from the AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile. [2] The SLAM was designed to provide all-weather, day and night, precision attack capabilities against stationary high-value targets [ 1 ] as well as ...
AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER - Wikipedia
The AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER (Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response) is an advanced stand off precision-guided, air-launched cruise missile produced by Boeing Defense, Space & Security for the United States Armed Forces and their allies.
AGM-84反舰导弹 - 百度百科
AGM-84反舰导弹(代号:A/R/UGM-84,绰号:Harpoon,译文:鱼叉/捕鲸叉),是由美国麦克唐纳-道格拉斯公司研制的反舰导弹,在1979年装备部队使用,也是美国海空军现役最主要的反舰武器,可以自飞机,各类水面军舰以及 潜艇 上发射。 此外,美国海军还利用 鱼叉导弹 开发出远程对地打击型(SLAM:Stand-off Land Attack Missile)。 在美国三军通用编号当中,AGM-84为空射型,RGM-84为舰射型,UGM-84则是水下潜艇发射型,一般统称为AGM-84,它们的基本 …
美军SLAM单兵多用途弹药,小巧但不失威力 - 知乎
2021年7月14日 · SLAM意为“轻型可选攻击弹药”,它本质上是一种集反装甲地雷和目标爆破为一体的武器,具有尺寸小、重量轻等优点。 SLAM重量仅为1千克,单手就能持握,它的装药量太少无法以爆破的方式摧毁目标,因此它采用的是与TM-83反坦克地雷一样的自锻破片战斗部,它的原理和空心装药战斗部有点相似,不过在引爆的时候并不是产生 金属射流,而是将半圆的金属板挤锻成条状的长杆发射出去,起到类似于穿甲弹的效果,SLAM形成的弹丸可以在8米距离内击穿40 …
AGM UGM RGM-84 Harpoon anti ship missile SSM SLAM-ER
The AGM-84E Standoff Land Attack Missile (SLAM) was a subsonic, over-the-horizon air-launched cruise missile that was developed by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems from the McDonnell Douglas Harpoon antiship missile. The SLAM was designed to provide all-weather, day and night, precision attack capabilities against stationary high-value targets.
AGM-84 Harpoon/SLAM - Smart Weapons - GlobalSecurity.org
The AGM-84E Harpoon/SLAM [Stand-Off Land Attack Missile] Block 1E is an intermediate range weapon system designed to provide day, night and adverse weather precision strike capability against...
AGM-84 Harpoon/SLAM - Smart Weapons - Federation of …
Its low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory, active radar guidance and warhead design assure high survivability and effectiveness. The Harpoon missile and its launch control equipment provide the warfighter capability to interdict ships at ranges well beyond those of other aircraft.
斯拉姆导弹 - 百度百科
在这一发展过程中,产生了美国防区外发射空对地导弹的典型代表——斯拉姆(slam)导弹,虽然它仍使用agm-84这一军方代号,但几经改进,形成了全新的空对地导弹系列 [3] 。
"鱼叉"登陆——美国"斯拉姆"系列远程空地导弹 - 百度学术
"鱼叉"+"小牛"="斯拉姆" 广大兵器爱好者对美国的"鱼叉"反舰导弹一定不会陌生,但对"斯拉姆"却未必熟悉.AGM-84E"斯拉姆" (SLAM)导弹是一种防区外发射的精确打击空地武器.实际上,"斯拉姆"导弹正是在AGM-84D"鱼叉"空舰导弹的基础上改进而成的,二者的后半段弹体完全相同,主要区别是采用了不同的导引头 (见本期插一),"鱼叉"导弹采用雷达制导导引头,而"斯拉姆"导弹采用了"小牛"空地导弹的红外成像导引头,并使用了GPS辅助制导系统.
The AGM (Air-to-Ground -84E Standoff Missile) sile Land (SLAM) Attack is Mis or land-based nuclear non tactical weapon designed to surgical strikes. SLAM was designed with launch aircraft in attacks against surface development costs, selected components from integrated into SLAM.
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