M8A1 - Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The M8A1 (called XM8 in early footage and game files) is a four-round burst assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Strike Team, and Call of Duty: Heroes. " Fully …
Which guns in Black Ops 2 are fictional and which are nonfictional?
2013年7月3日 · M8A1: REAL, is called the H&K XM-8 in real life. The gun isn't functioning properly and won't be used. AN-94: REAL, trial gun produced by the Russian army, but didn't …
Call of Duty: Black Ops II guns and their real-life equivalents
'M8A1' is a U.S. Army designation for an XM8 that has undergone some improvements. 'M8' stands for 'Model 8' and A1 stands for 'Advance 1'. The 'Chicom QCB' is, in reality, a JS9 …
CODM Guns and Their Real Versions (Large Post)
There's a wide assortment of ARs in this game, and plenty of them have IRL counterparts. M4. The M4 in CODM is the first rifle you own, and its real life counterpart is actually a sporting …
战车专栏:M8 75mm自走炮(茶壶) - 哔哩哔哩
M8 75mm自行榴弹炮是一款二战期间的美国制自走炮。 这款自走炮是在M5斯图亚特式轻型坦克的车体上安装了一个带有75毫米榴弹炮的旋转炮塔。 M8自走炮数据. 类型:自走炮. 原产地;美国. …
战车溯源:堪称“掌心雷”的美国超轻型突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
M8A1全车总重为15.7吨,使用2台凯迪拉克6缸汽油机,最大输出马力为220马力,功重比为14.02马力/吨。 相对来说机动性还是非常优秀的,但是该车的防御力就有点逊色了:装甲最厚 …
m8a1是一台美国2.7的一级td,是一台非常强力的低级坦克。 缺陷:由于是斯图亚特的底盘,m8a1是一台基本没有什么装甲防御属性的坦克,但又具有一定的生存能力(炮塔结构抗)
M8A1 - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD攻略资 …
m8a1需要玩家达到等级49级时可解锁。 m8a1是一把四连发突击步枪,单发威力较小,但在一定射程内,可以做到一轮四连发击杀一个人。m8a1甚至还有能力做到3枪毙命,只不过实战中非常 …
Black Ops Guns irl : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2017年2月7日 · The weevil is like a p90, apparently the m8a1 is a real weapon, and the m8a7 is based off of that. That's all I know though
Black Ops 2 Community Articles M8A1: In-Depth
2013年4月12日 · The M8A1 The M8A1, an assault rifle based on the prototype XM8 design comes to the battlefield with deadly accuracy and furious rates of fire. The M8A1...
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