Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 - Wikipedia
75 mm howitzer motor carriage M8 on display at the Musée des Blindés. The 75 mm howitzer motor carriage M8 "Scott" was a self-propelled howitzer vehicle of the United States in use during World War II. It was developed on the chassis of the M5 Stuart tank and was equipped with a M116 howitzer in an M7 mount.
H.M.C. M8 "Scott" (1942) - tank-afv.com
An American WW2 self-propelled howitzer derived from the M5 light tank chassis and used for infatry close support
75 mm Gun M3 on 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 Chassis - Tank …
2022年11月5日 · This light tank design would feature the 75 mm gun M3 (or a more powerful gun if the chassis could support it), armor capable of stopping .50 caliber armor-piercing rounds, and the suspension of the M7 medium tank.
战车溯源:堪称“掌心雷”的美国超轻型突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
m8a1全车总重为15.7吨,使用2台凯迪拉克6缸汽油机,最大输出马力为220马力,功重比为14.02马力/吨。 相对来说机动性还是非常优秀的,但是该车的防御力就有点逊色了:装甲最厚处仅有44毫米,而且还是个“敞篷车”,这使得该车在伴随步兵突击时相对脆弱。
M8 【斯科特】自行榴弹炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月30日 · 该车发动机为凯迪拉克系列42串联发动机,发动机输出功率为220马力,坦克最大速度可达58公里/小时。 其337升的油箱,可以使坦克最大行程达160公里。 其炮塔旋转角度可达360°,火炮仰角及俯角为-20°〜40°,火炮最大射程为8687米。 火炮可以发射高爆弹 (HE),及破甲弹 (HEAT),和烟雾弹。 .整车可携带46发炮弹和400发M2机枪子弹 。 初期美军对其的定位是突击炮,但是因为极度缺少防护以及敞篷的炮塔,它并不能胜任这一工作。 于是该炮于1944年1月 …
M8A1 GMC | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals", the M8A1 is a Stuart light tank package with a medium tank firepower not too unlike the M24 Chaffee. Although its armour and crew survivability is poor, the emphasis on firepower and mobility allows players to use it as a light tank destroyer to flank and destroy enemy tanks with its firepower.
M8自行榴弹炮 - 百度百科
M8自行榴弹炮(英文:M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage [1]),是 美国 在 第二次世界大战 中大量使用的一种轻型自行火炮。 同时也是M5斯图亚特坦克衍生型号之一 [2]。 美国在加入二战后为了满足美国装甲兵对一款装备榴弹炮的近程支援车辆的需求,美军于是在1942年早期将榴弹炮装上了 M3半履带车。 但这不过是美军研发出真正意义的自行火炮前的临时应付措施罢了。 而阿伯丁实验场在当时曾将一门75毫米榴弹炮装上了 M5轻型坦克 的底盘。 这款车辆被命名为“T41榴弹炮载具” …
Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, sometimes known as the M8 Scott, was a self-propelled howitzer vehicle of the United States developed during the Second World War. It was developed on the chassis of the then-new Light Tank M5 (Stuart VI). The test vehicle had the standard M5 turret removed...
Battleground Weird WWII: M8 HMC "Scott"
2012年6月7日 · Notes: The M8 is a modification off the M5 light tank chassis that was attached to light tank units where its added firepower was greatly needed. The M8 fought in all theaters of the war and would see use with French and Commonwealth armies.
M8 Scott/T47 Scott Tank Destroyer/Self Propelled Artillery
2016年5月31日 · The M8 Scott was an American howitzer motor carriage built on the M5 Stuart (M5A1 Stuart for M8A1). The tank was replaced by the M7 Priest and the M4 Sherman. Variants: 1. Name: M8 Scott Type: Tank Destroyer/Self Propelled Artillery Origin: United States Year: 1942 Produced: 1778 Length: 4.98 Meters Width: 2.32 Meters Height: 2.72 Meters