128 mm M63 Plamen / M94 Plamen-S multiple rocket launcher …
When the vehicle weighs 9.6t, the M94 "Plamen-S" develops a maximum speed of 80km/h on the highway. The combat vehicle is equipped with a V-shaped diesel air cooling (produced under …
M-63 Plamen - Wikipedia
M-94 Plamen-S – Launcher mounted on a TAM 6x6 truck chassis for greater tactical mobility and allowing it to shoot-and-scoot, increasing survivability. In addition to 32 rockets in the ready-to …
M-94 Plamen-S (Flame) 128mm MLRS - Federation of American …
1999年9月29日 · M-94 Plamen-S (Flame) 128mm MLRS In 1995, the M-94 Plamen-S system was produced and mounted on the Steye-Deimlaer 6x6 truck. Based on old M-63 towed MLRS, …
YUG - M-94 Plamen-S (128mm raketomet) : Yugoslavia (YUG)
Rocket launcher M-63 installed on the chassis of the slovenian terrain truck 6x6 TAM-150. The transition from marching into combat position takes about 30 p. M-94 Plamen-S originated in …
【红龙梦计划】无比灵活的南斯拉夫小钢炮——M94 Plamen-S自 …
2017年12月14日 · 要提M94自行火箭炮,就不得不先说它的核心组件:M-63 Plamen牵引式128mm多管火箭炮。 M63式火箭炮设计于上世纪60年代,与我们的63式107mm火箭炮非常相 …
Army Guide
Based on old M-63 towed MLRS, using new 12.8km range missile and other improvments. This missile is not to be confused with 128mm missile for M-77, beacause M-94 missile is shorter, …
128-мм реактивная система залпового огня M63 Plamen / M94 …
Последним представителем семейства 128-мм систем залпового огня "Plamen" является мобильная боевая машина М94 "Plamen-S" с увеличенной до 12.6км дальностью …
2022年6月29日 · MLRS Plamen-S ima 32 lansirne cevi za rakete kalibra 128 mm. Ne treba je mešati sa raketom od 128 mm M77 Oganj. Standardna raketa M94 je kraća. Ovaj artiljerijski …
Croatian light RAK-SA-12 multiple launch rocket system - Defence …
2018年2月21日 · The launcher can use the following types of 128 mm caliber rockets: M91, M91A1, and M91A2 equipped with fuses RUK M92 and RUTI M94. Rocket can be used in a …
M94 PLAMEN S: Pogađa čak na 12600 metara (FOTO/VIDEO)
2022年10月10日 · specifikacije m94 plamen s: Iz marševskog u borbeni položaj kao i obrnuto prelazi za četiri minuta. Pored lansera sa 32 cevi 128mm koji je izrađen preradom starijeg …