M4LMG - Call of Duty Wiki
Versatile with good damage. The M4LMG returns in Call of Duty: Mobile. The M4LMG is one of the LMGs unlocked through leveling. Damage is some of the highest in the LMG class, with a consistent four-shot kill and a fast reload. However, it lacks fire-rate, and recoil can go out of control without any management.
M4LMG是由腾讯代理的FPS网络游戏《使命召唤OL》中的一款轻机枪,其原型为《使命召唤:幽灵》中登场过的Colt IAR轻机枪。 由M4演变而来的步兵 自动步枪,装备重型枪管并且使用导气活塞系统,拥有出色的性能和强大火力。 [2] 从性能上看,M4LMG的精度、射程堪称不俗,单发伤害在轻机枪中称冠,机动性在轻机枪中也属于优秀行列。 由于使用弹鼓供弹,装填效率比链式供弹快(MAG43 、 RPD 、 M260B),比弹匣供弹慢(SA80-LSW 、 斯泰尔AUG-H)。 盲射散布很 …
Light machine gun - Wikipedia
A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight machine gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon. LMGs firing cartridges of the same caliber as the other riflemen of the same combat unit are often referred to as squad automatic weapons .
m94(ngc 4736)是位于猎犬座的漩涡星系,也是一个星爆星系。 M94有一个明亮的核,即它的中央区域非常的明亮。 在紫外波长观察下,星系还有一个美丽的环——双重的环状结构。
M4LMG | Call of Duty Mobile Wiki | Fandom
M4LMG有着良好的伤害和较远的基础射程,后座稳定,并且该枪在第一段射程之后都是五枪毙敌,可以很好地压制中远距离的目标并对其造成较大的威胁。 同时,M4LMG有着30发弹匣和40发弹匣的配件,这两种配件可以通过牺牲弹容量来大幅强化机动性,将M4LMG改装成突击步枪,并且M4LMG机动化配装,有着突击步枪无法比拟的射程以及第一段射程外稳定的五枪毙敌。 但是M4LMG射速偏慢,在射程方面除了一体式消音器以外,没有任何可以延伸射程的配件,并 …
Heckler & Koch MG4 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch MG4 (also known as the HK123) is a belt-fed 5.56 mm light machine gun designed and developed by German firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It was developed in the late 1990s and first seen publicly in September 2001.
1894 Mauser carbine? - milsurps.com
2010年1月17日 · The m/1894 carbine was adopted in 1895 with the first 12,000 carbines being manufactured by Waffenfabrik Mauser Oberndorf a/n in Germany. All of this series of carbines were manufactured in 1895 only. A very few spare receivers dated 1895 were received from Mauser Oberndorf.
Post WW2 Deactivated Machine Guns & Launchers - D&B Militaria
We have a great selection of Post WW2 Deactivated Machine Guns & Launchers. All weapons sold by D&B Militaria are deactivated in the UK.
Swedish Mauser Carbines – m/94 and m/94-14 - Surplused
2017年6月20日 · The original m/94 Swedish carbines used a heavy nosecap to protect the front sight, but did not have a fitting for a bayonet. This was changed in 1914, with new production guns being fitted with a Lee-Enfield style bayonet lug below the muzzle (and many existing carbines were updated to this new configuration) and designated the model m/94-14.
星遽增(星暴)星系M94 | NASA中文
2025年3月6日 · 星遽增(星暴)星系M94 影像提供: ESA/Hubble and NASA. 说明: 位在北天猎犬座方向的美丽星系M94,离我们只有1千5百万光年远。这个直径约为3万光年、宽广核心盘外围镶着螺旋臂的正面星系,是地球上的天文学家常进行探索的热门标的。