马保国,1952年出生于河南 [1] [18]。 开始修习形意拳没过多久,结识了自称“郭大侠”的武当、峨眉功夫传人以及混元太极第二代传人,又开始修习混元太极 [17]。 英国混元太极拳协会创始 …
马保国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马保国 (1951年 —) [註 1],男,籍贯 山东 临沂,出生及长大于 河南,中国大陆 太极拳 师,自称“浑元形意太极门掌门人” [6][註 2]。 马保国因2017年约战 MMA 格斗家 徐晓冬 首次出现在 …
马保国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马保国 (1951年 —) [註 1],男,籍贯 山东 临沂,出生及长大于 河南,中国大陆 太极拳 师,自称“浑元形意太极门掌门人” [6][註 2]。 马保国因2017年约战 MMA 格斗家 徐晓冬 首次出现在 …
Introducing Ma Baoguo, aging Kung Fu web celebrity with a …
2020年11月27日 · Ma Baoguo,69, a self-proclaimed "Super-mind" Taichi master, who has gained famed on social media for his odd and rambling monologues while facing a camera with a …
Disgraced China kung fu master re-emerges as ‘godfather of …
2024年8月7日 · Ma Baoguo, 72, has been seen by online observers who said he had transformed himself into a “godfather of nightclubs”, appearing at venues in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and …
Tai Chi Master Has EPIC Excuse For Losing To MMA Hobbyist
2022年4月12日 · In 2017, Ma, a self-proclaimed Xingyi and Tai Chi Master, and Xu Xiaodong, the MMA Mad Dog, were supposed to have a match, but someone reported to the authorities and …
Kung Fu Master, Dishonored in MMA Fight, Quits Martial Arts
2020年11月20日 · Ma Baoguo, the kung fu master who suffered a viral, embarrassing defeat at the hands of a kickboxer, has retired from martial arts. In May, legendary tai chi master Ma …
Disgraced Chinese tai chi master Ma Baoguo ‘walks away from …
2020年11月18日 · Disgraced Chinese tai chi master Ma Baoguo has apparently walked away from martial arts after a resurgence in online ridicule over the weekend. The 69-year-old …
【双语对照】马保国经典场景 - 哔哩哔哩
I am Baoguo Ma, the leader of Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji Faction. 刚才有个朋友问我马老师发生什么事了,我说怎么回事,给我发了几张截图。 A friend of mine just asked me, ‘what happened, …
Chinese traditional kung fu “master” was defeated again
2020年5月18日 · Ma Baoguo, 69, claims that he has integrated the essence of different kung fu style to master “Qigong” and he founded the school, recruited many disciples. He also claims …
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