iMA - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
Numerical value of the Moving Average indicator.
MA dashboard indicator - Forex Factory
2017年6月18日 · If you want the .mq4 source to compile/run without errors, you'll need to do this first. Otherwise, download only the .ex4 file.
MA Candles.mq4 - Forex Station
The World's largest database of Metatrader 4 & 5 Indicators, Systems & EA's. Download our content for free & unlock your true trading potential today.
MT4自带EA(MA)源码解析 - 外汇邦
MT4平台自带了一个自动交易的EA指标,那就是Moving Average ,下面我们详细解释该系统每条语句的功能说明,以便深入认识EA的编程内核。 我想对初学者有一定的帮助。 //定义本EA操作的订单的唯一标识号码,由此可以实现在同一账户上多系统操作,各操作EA的订单标识码不同,就不会互相误操作。 凡是EA皆不可缺少,非常非常重要! //extern 确定从外部程序输入的变量, 会直接显现输入数据窗口。 数列本身不能作为外部变量。 注意:iMA中的MovingShift(均线偏移 …
Moving Averages, MA - indicator for MetaTrader 4 - MQL5
2005年11月29日 · There are four different types of moving averages: Simple (also referred to as Arithmetic), Exponential, Smoothed and Linear Weighted. Moving averages may be calculated for any sequential data set, including opening and closing prices, highest and lowest prices, trading volume or any other indicators.
MTF Moving Average - Forex Factory
2007年7月11日 · Here's an indicator that can display moving averages from different timeframes and uses interpolation: {image} And one question: would it make more sense, to shift the whole indicator one period to the right? Then the candle close from an upper timeframe would be in the future, which makes sense.
MA Multi-Timeframe (MTF) Indicator for MT4/MT5 - EarnForex
MA Multi-Timeframe for MT4 allows you to see moving average status for all timeframes in a single place. You can simplify your visual representation and know if an asset or a pair is overall bullish or bearish.
MTF_MA/MTF_MA.mq4 at master · EarnForex/MTF_MA - GitHub
int shift = iBarShift(NULL, MA_TF, Time[i], true); if (shift == -1) continue; MABuf[i] = iMA(NULL, MA_TF, MA_Period, MA_Shift, MA_Method, MA_Applied_Price, shift);
MA_Bbands_v4.1 - Forex Factory
2019年3月16日 · I saw your thread & the indicator posted with it MA_BBands_v4.1 & out of curiosity decided to apply it to one of my charts that already had the Bollinger Bands applied @24, 0, Div 2, Median Price(HL/2) on the 15M tf on NZD/USD.
Moving Averages: EMA, SMA and WMA - Forex Indicators
Moving Averages (MAs) are among most commonly used indicators in Forex. They are easy to set and easy to interpret. Speaking simple, moving averages simply measure the average move of the price during a given time period. It smooths out the price data, allowing to see market trends and tendencies. Moving Average is a trend indicator. 1.
MA-Distance-Dashboard-Indicator.mq4 - Forex Station
The World's largest database of Metatrader 4 & 5 Indicators, Systems & EA's. Download our content for free & unlock your true trading potential today.
Simple MA Crossover EA - Moving Average, MA - MQL4 and …
2020年7月3日 · My EA is a simple MA crossover which opens a short/long position based on MA crossover. It should close the current position on the opposite signal and open a new position. I wrote the code, tested it and it works.
ma-cross-ea/MA_Cross.mq4 at master · eugenesia/ma-cross-ea - GitHub
Simple moving average crossover Expert Advisor for Metatrader 4, in MQL4. - eugenesia/ma-cross-ea
iMAOnArray - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
To access to the array elements as to a series array (i.e., from right to left), one has to use the ArraySetAsSeries () function.
【MQL4関数】iMA関数(移動平均線)の使い方とサンプルプロ …
2021年4月7日 · iMA関数は、 移動平均線の値を取得する関数です。 移動平均線の値が取得できれば、 if文 や for文 と組みわせることで、クロスの判定ができます。 しかし、iMA関数を使いこなすのは難しいため、挫折してしまうかたもいらっしゃいます。 なぜ難しいのかというと、 返り値(戻り値) と 引数 を入力する必要があるからです。 特に 引数はとても複雑 なので、しっかり把握するようにしましょう! またiMA関数は、 MQLに標準で組み込まれている関数 …
Usage of Technical Indicators - Simple Programs in MQL4 - MQL4 …
According to belonging to the on-line trading system MetaTrader 4 there are two types of indicators in MQL4 - technical and custom. Technical indicator is an integral part of the on-line trading system MetaTrader, built-in function that allows drawing on …
MQL4技术指标函数iMA()详解 - 指股网
Smoothing Methods - Indicator Constants - MQL4
Some standard technical indicators (iAlligator (), iEnvelopes (), iEnvelopesOnArray (), iForce (), iGator (), iMA (), iMAOnArray (), iStdDev (), iStdDevOnArray () and iStochastic () indicators) require specification of the smoothing type as an input parameter.
Setting Up Moving Average Crossover Alert? - Forex Factory
2011年8月1日 · This indicator is only useful for alerting at an MA cross, ie when MA 10 is crossed by another MA, it is not designed to alert when price crosses an MA.
EarnForex/MTF_MA: Multi-Timeframe Moving Average - GitHub
2019年4月22日 · Multi-Timeframe Moving Average or MTF MA is a moving average indicator that displays an MA calculated from the higher timeframe on the current chart of lower timeframe. The indicator can be used in Forex trading to monitor higher timeframes without switching up …