A bit of info on a norinco mak-90 - AK Rifles
2023年1月25日 · Good: Square back receiver , Mak 90's are a proven forever riffle that will bring many generations of shooters joy, butter smooth trigger, much heavier receiver and barrel …
Chinese MAK-90 Contraband "Third Pin" Rifle | AK Rifles
2006年1月24日 · Over the years I have seen many people ask about the Chinese MAK-90 rifles that came into the country in the early 90s, and were subsequently "collected" by the BATFE. …
For those with MAK 90's, who imported it and how was it cut?
2009年5月12日 · hell, i have to look at the importer marks on my mak 90 I know I bought it in November 1993 for $169. Z_recto bought one at the same time. Hell for $220 out the door we …
Mak 90 flash hider options? | Glock Talk
2012年6月4日 · One more thing, and this is purely for your edification...the MAK-90 is a Modified AK of 1990. These are Chinese AKs modified to pass the import ban as "sporters" by having …
MAK 90 furniture - AK Rifles
2021年11月3日 · What I was planning on doing was changing the furniture and magazine only because I shoot this gun and prefer the pistol grip and regular AK look however I would never …
How Many Digits Are In Your MILLED Mak 90 Serial Number - AK …
2008年1月8日 · After posting that I received messages from several members saying milled Mak 90's were not even made until 1993, So I figured either I had the dates wrong or they did. I did …
Mak-90 Value - Glock Talk
2023年4月12日 · The Chinese MAK 90's are being sold for $1300.00 to $1500.00 depending on the condition. I would say that $1500.00 for one in Very Good condition is a fair price. Check …
Mak-90, new butt stock and 922r rule?? - Glock Talk
2011年1月12日 · Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, …
Mak90 - Help determining value for potential sell | Glock Talk
2014年10月24日 · MAK-90's are easily worth $100 more than the average AK-47. I've never shot a MAK-90 I didn't want to OWN ...
Mak-90 keep thumbhole stock or not? - Glock Talk
2020年2月9日 · The Mak-90 I bought back in the day, 1993 if I remember correctly, it had a milled receiver and a thumbhole stock. Paid about $190 for it. Immediately put new furniture on it. A …