Norinco Mak-90, converting from a thumbhole stock question
Some of the Mak 90's have a slant cut receiver at the rear of the gun. Only one company makes a stock set to fit the slant cut. MOST of the Mak90's are a straight cut receiver and will take any AK furniture. The best wood stock sets come from www.ironwooddesigns.com. They have pictures and info there about the different receivers.
MAK-90 Sporter - is it legal to swap out the thumbhole stock
2010年2月18日 · I have a Norinco MAK-90 Sporter with the wooded thumbhole stock. Is it legal for me to swap out the thumbhole stock for a regular stock and pistol grip? I have some older Romanian furniture I'd like to use. thanks. EDITED TO ADD: So, it looks like it's still subject to the '89 import ban, so I need to add US parts to this. Is that right?
Mak-90 sporter Slant cut receiver stocks and grips - AK Rifles
2022年8月9日 · Ammo 7c a round too. Anyway what I did was find a chu wood stock and just dremeled down the "ears" till it looked flat if that makes sense. I then re finished the stock/grip/forend to a lighter color just like the blonde wood imports. Looks very good and functions just fine. The problem is original chu wood stock/grip sets are getting ridiculous!
options for Norinco mak 90 stock replacement - AK Rifles
2010年4月25日 · The #1 stock maker in the country. You could get the 3 peice set (handguards and buttstock) and have them drop shipped to Z_Recto and he can refinish so you couldn't tell that they weren't original chinese
Looking for advice: buttstock for milled MAK-90 with angled cut
2014年7月11日 · The milled MAK-90 is one of the hardest AK variants to find good buttstock options for. Ironwood Designs offers a very good wood replacement stock, but it's somewhat heavy (with the steel mounting rod). In addition, I'd really like to have the option of installing a collapsible stock.
Milled Receiver MAK-90 angle-cut receiver stock options... - AK …
2006年7月26日 · It's A MAK 90 with the Angle cut receiver. I was really having a hard time finding good info on this. I've got the Thumbhols stock as well as an extra Chinese stock set that the seller gave me. It's not the Ironwood and it's not for the Angle cut but it still fits. I want something that fits correctly. I was really hoping to get the Ace stock.
MAK 90 Stock options. Please Help - AK Rifles
2018年6月25日 · Hello everyone, ive been looking to get some original wood furniture/ stock set for my norinco mak 90 straight cut stamped reciever. Ive been looking alot on Gunbroker, however ive mostly been seeing russian stock sets or romanian ect. Also if it helps im not really looking for the whole thumb hole stock either, rather have regular style stock.
Milled Mak 90: Treasure or Trash? - AK Rifles
2017年3月30日 · For $95 Desert Fox Outfitters sells a M4 stock adapter for the milled Mak-90's unique double-angle cut receivers, I just ordered one today, will be installed on my first tacticool-style AK (and 2nd milled Chinese Mak). CHINESE MAK-90/91 SLANT CUT MILLED RECEIVER M4 STYLE ADAPTER #PK1012
MAK 90 furniture - AK Rifles
2021年11月3日 · Hello I have a Norinco MAK 90 with all the original furniture and am wanting to make it look like an AK47 I plan on replacing the Stock, Grip, Handguard and using a Magpul magazine to get my 6 USA parts to be 922R compliant I really do not want to change any of the internal parts since the Chinese ones are very good .
MAK90 changing thumbhole stock.. | AK Rifles
2023年4月8日 · Polymer stock set also comes either for stamped receiver or milled receivers, so they are a good option & I think they look modern & good. Generally cost about $80-125 per set. Genuine Chinese chu wood furniture sets are available, but very expensive, an …