MÁV Class 242 - Wikipedia
MÁV Class 242 was a 4-4-4T steam locomotive of Hungarian State Railways. A small class of only four examples, they were built between 1936 and 1939. They were highly unusual in that they were streamlined tank locomotives. [1]
MÁV 242 sorozat – Wikipédia
A legnagyobb sebességű magyar gőzmozdonyok a MÁV 242 sorozat (közkeletű nevén „Szellem”, illetve „Koporsó”) szertartályos mozdonyai voltak. 1936-1939 között 4 épült belőlük, egy Berlin-Hamburg között végrehajtott kísérlet során 152 km/h sebességet értek el.
SONE-242 在线观看, Momoka Kagura, 神乐桃华在温泉之旅中与光 …
オンラインで無料ハイビジョンAV映画を、ダウンロード不要で飽きるまで存分に見られます、遅滞なく高速再生、10万本以上の動画、毎日更新、動画の再生中に広告が表示されない、シリ …
MÁV Class 242 Top Speed 103.8mph - YouTube
2020年1月20日 · the Fastest documented Top Speed for this Class was 103.8mph during a trial run in 1961. all of my reels & tapes from my collection of film footage & all of my modifications done in al...more.
Category:MÁV 242 - Wikimedia Commons
2022年10月29日 · 日本語: ハンガリー鉄道242型タンク機関車は流線型のタンク機関車である。同時期、ドイツの61型や南満州鉄道のダブサ型のように類似の機関車があった。
MÁV-Baureihe 242 – Wikipedia
Die MÁV-Baureihe 242 war eine Tenderlokomotivreihe der Ungarischen Staatsbahnen (MÁV). In den 1930er Jahren gestattete die Weltwirtschaftskrise nicht, große Summen in Eisenbahnfahrzeuge zu investieren. Deshalb entschieden sich die Ungarischen Staatsbahnen, leichte Schnellzüge mit hoher Geschwindigkeit zu führen.
MÁV Class 242 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月12日 · MV Class 242 was a 444T steam locomotive of Hungarian State Railways. A small class of only four examples, they were built between 1936 and 1939. They were highly unusual in that they were both streamlined, as was the fashion of that period for fast express service, but they were also tank locomo
Hungarian State Railways or MÁV Class 242. Nicknamed ... - Reddit
2020年6月12日 · Hungarian State Railways or MÁV Class 242. Nicknamed “Coffins” these streamliners allowed high speeds in either direction. One reached 167 km/h (103.7 mph) making it the fastest Hungarian steam locomotive speed achieved. MÁV 242 001 passes by Szolnok in 2017. Photo by A. Vasutallomas [1024x683] : r/MachinePorn.
MAV 242 - Trainspo
MAV 242 - steam locomotive build by MÁVAG.
MÁV 242 class - Wikidata
class of 4 Hungarian 4-4-4T locomotives. This page was last edited on 2 December 2021, at 21:23. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.