I PASSED MB ASCP (2024) !!! : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
Youtube: there are few playlists for MB ASCP that is helpful to understand basic foundation (Chapter 1 & 2 in Lela Book), Professor Dave Explain & Ninja Nerd are 2 YT creators that have great biology videos (highly recommend checking them out) I hope this post is helpful for anyone who is planning to take MB-ASCP soon!!
Passing the ASCP MB | Nov 2023 : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
I graduated from undergraduate with degrees in Microbiology (BS) and Plant Biology (BS) in 2019. After graduating I worked in big pharma and biotech for a few companies as a lab tech and research associate, primarily in industry R&D-centered labs. I …
Test Prep Materials for CURRENT ASCP Technologist in Molecular …
2023年4月24日 · I scheduled for a the ASCP Tech in MB Exam on June 5th. Notably that means I will be taking the exam using the current exam criteria, not the new ones that will release on July 1st. I have been working in a Molecular Biology Lab for the past two years. A lot of PCR, gibsons reactions, and pretty much every angle of the Plasmid Cloning pipeline.
I just passed my MB(ASCP) exam! : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
Passed on 04/02/2022! Found out a few days ago that I scored a 420 so I barely passed lmao. Can confirm though that the MB ASCP Connect is very helpful. Probably wouldn’t have passed without it although keep in mind that the ASCP exam is worded a lot more…difficult than the connect exam. Quizlet was also very helpful.
Question on MB ASCP Exam : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
2019年10月29日 · It appears I can qualify to sit for the MB technologist exam via Route 3. Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college/university with a major in biological science or chemistry, or a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college/university with a combination of 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) of biology, and/or ...
MB ASCP Certification Exam Material : r/molecularbiology - Reddit
2022年3月10日 · The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more.
MB(ASCP) Study Materials : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
2017年5月22日 · MB(ASCP) Study Materials It seems that there are many people asking for study materials for the MB(ASCP) certification test, but there seem to be not much available. It seems that everybody (including me) refers to the book by Buckingham.
MB(ASCP) scoring? : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
2023年2月28日 · I’m taking the MB(ASCP) exam next week. This is my first time attempting to take any kind of ASCP test, and I’m having trouble finding information about how the exam is scored. I know it’s an adaptive test and there’s no exact cutoff like “75 out of 100 right = pass”, but does anyone have more insight into the scoring system?
How hard is the ASCP exam really? : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
2022年7月19日 · I have been reading bottom line approach and then success in clinical lab science or my ascp book and then i have been doing labce and then the interactive boc online. I choose a subject for each week and im on week 4 of studying (i finished internships a few weeks ago and studied polasky flashcards the whole time).
Passed the MB (ASCP)!! : r/medlabprofessionals - Reddit
2022年6月8日 · I passed the MB (ASCP) this past weekend!! Thanks for everyone who helped me out here!! Onto studying for the MLS! If anyone wants to point me in the direction of quizlet sets/YouTube video playlists for the MLS pls drop below :) I’ve already seen to study using wordsology, harr book, LabCE practice tests, and the purple and yellow book.