MICA (missile) - Wikipedia
The MICA is a French anti-air multi-target, all weather, fire-and-forget short to medium-range missile system manufactured by MBDA France. Its name is an abbreviation of Missile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Auto-défense ( lit.
MICA is the multi-mission air-to-air missile system for the Rafale and the latest versions of Mirage 2000-5 combat aircraft. MICA has a dual role with both BVR and SR combat situations, and exhibits very high performance in both roles.
VL MICA’s performance ensures area defence of highly sensitive civilian or military assets as well as support for deployed land forces.
“米卡”空空导弹 - 百度百科
“米卡”(MICA)系“拦截与空战导弹”(Missile Interception et de Combat Aerien),是马特拉公司80年代自行研制并装备部队使用的第四代空空导弹,以取代“马特拉”超530F/D中距拦射导弹和R550“魔术”2近距格斗导弹。
Vertical launch (VL) MICA, a short-range missile, protects highly sensitive civil and military assets. It can also be used by armed forces during manoeuvres. Deployed on land from a Tactical Operations Centre (TOC), it is the only missile in the world capable of being fitted with either a heatseeking homing head (VL MICA IR) or with an active ...
雲母飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雲母飛彈(MBDA MICA,法語: Missile d’interception et de combat aérien ),又稱為米卡導彈、攔截式空戰導彈 [註 1] ,是一種對空、全天候、射後不理、射程覆蓋短程至中程的空對空導彈,可以同時多枚攻擊多目標,發射間隔兩秒。可裝備於飛機和船艦、車輛,或任何有 ...
法兰西袖剑--米卡系列导弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年法国国防采购局已授权mbda研制新一代“米卡ng”导弹。 作为新一代空空导弹,它或将延续传统的“一弹两头”模式,在此基础上采用新双脉冲固体火箭发动机和更先进的导引头,增加导弹的射程,提高其机动性。
MBDA VL-MICA-M SAM Missile Vertical Launched Naval Ship
The VL MICA system deploys the unique MICA missile which is the only missile in the world equipped with two, interoperable, state- of-the-art seekers (Imaging IR or active RF), providing superior features to counter all types of threat (anti-ship missiles, aircraft, helicopters, PGMs, smart bombs, etc).
Mica Vertical Launch Short-Range Air-Defence System
2003年12月16日 · The MBDA vertical launch Mica short-range air defence system, VL Mica SHORAD, is built in ground and ship-launched versions. The modular VL Mica system includes a tactical operations centre with up to four multi-round missile launchers.
法国向MBDA订购新型空对空导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
在3月18日的每周新闻发布会上,法国武装部队发言人宣布了订购367枚新一代战斗和自卫拦截导弹 (MICA NG)的订单。 该订单有助于巩固法国国防工业和技术基础,确保在5年内MBDA及其分包商雇佣200至300人,MICA NG项目总投资约为18亿欧元。 阵风战斗机挂载米卡导弹. 根据2019-2025年军事规划法,法国将提供资金订购合计567枚MICA NG导弹,其中200枚已经由法国国防采办局(DGA)向MBDA订购,从2026年开始交付。 MICA NG旨在更新法国空天军和海军阵风 …
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