【船坞行动】MBK-161(1943)——“黄水战列舰 - 哔哩哔哩
MBK-161(1943)型炮艇将拥有2门T-34坦克上拆下的主炮,1门37毫米速射炮,1门45毫米炮与若干高射机枪组成的凶猛火力,搭配上良好的防护,MBK-161(1943)将在浅海大显身手,为敌人煮上一顿“钢铁的肉汤”。 但请注意,舰长同志,MBK-161(1943)型炮艇的速度颇为缓慢,最高航速只有13-14节(大约25km/h),这将在一定程度上限制该艇的战术使用。 请继续关注我们的消息,以获取有关秋季特别活动“船坞行动”的最新消息。 本期情报到此为止,我们下期再见。 The …
MBK-161 early | War Thunder Wiki
You must play more than 3 battles for the last week and more than 10 battles in a vehicle to rate it.
"MBK" type armoured motor gun boats (BK-501) (project 161) …
Survived MBKs in 1946-1949 were classified as small gunboats. Ship protection Belt had 52-50mm thickness abreast citadel and was closed by 14mm fore and 48-30mm aft bulkheads, it was connected with 35-30mm deck.
【图片】【情报组】【船坞行动】【MBK-161(1943)——“黄水 …
MBK-161(1943)型炮艇将拥有2门T-34坦克上拆下的主炮,1门37毫米速射炮,1门45毫米炮与若干高射机枪组成的凶猛火力,搭配上良好的防护,MBK-161(1943)将在浅海大显身手,为敌人煮上一顿“钢铁的肉汤”。 但请注意,舰长同志,MBK-161(1943)型炮艇的速度颇为缓慢,最高航速只有13-14节(大约25km/h),这将在一定程度上限制该艇的战术使用。 请继续关注情报组,以获取有关秋季特别活动“船坞行动”的最新消息。 本期情报组到此为止,我们下期再见。 Ps:这 …
“船坞”行动:MBK-161(1943)-- 浅水重炮艇 - 哔哩哔哩
МБК-161 : Class
The MBK-161 naval armoured boats form another group using turrets from T-34 tanks. The first unit (BK-501) was established in Leningrad on 16.10.1942, and was accepted into the VMF on 10.10.1943.
Operation “Shipyard”: MBK-161 (1943) - Shallow Water Battleship
2019年9月27日 · In War Thunder, the MBK-161 (1943) is a premium gun boat of rank II in the Soviet naval lineup. When you see the MBK-161, her battle purposes will become obvious - the deck is festooned with cannons and machine guns of different calibres to make any salvoes as deadly and concentrated as possible.
【战争雷霆-2019秋季拼多多】“船坞行动” 拼装活动 - 哔哩哔哩
Operation「Shipyard」:MBK-161 (1943)浅海域の戦艦
『War Thunder』のMBK-161(1943)は、ソ連の海軍ラインナップにランクIIのプレミアム砲艇として登場します。 このMBK-161を 一目見れば、その戦闘目的が明らかとなるでしょう。
War Thunder: MBK-161 1943 [Arcade] - YouTube
The MBK-161 (1943 series) is a gift rank II Russian motor gun boat with a battle rating of 2.7 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced during Update 1.91 "Night Vision...